- Helping teams thrive through science-backed wellness practicesStress is at an all-time high in the corporate world, and it’s costing businesses more than they realise—burnout, disengagement, and high turnover rates. But when teams feel supported, energised, and connected, they perform at their best. That’s where I come in. I’m a corporate wellness coach with a passion for …
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- Unlock the Secrets of Summer: Transformative Teachings from the Spirit of CicadaNot just a deafening sound from the cicada In my last morning meditation for 2024, I was gently called to meditate upon the deafening waves of cicadas that roused me from my sleep at 5.20am. Unthrilled, I rolled from my bed and then rolled out my yoga mat for a …
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- The dawn of a new kind of approach to counselling & therapySomething that has been bothering me for a long time about the Counselling and psychology approach- with their 50min appointment model- is that it has been influenced by the “ medical model” system of healthcare. The Problem with this model is that it’s in a practitioner’s best interest to keep …
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- Soul Alchemy: unlock your inner compass– Soul Alchemy begins 12 February 2024 Embark on a 90-day transformative journey guiding you towards a more empowered, grounded, and purposeful existence. Are you ready to unveil what has been holding you back, and start living with a deep sense of self-trust and authenticity? Go from feeling exhausted all …
- Shadow healing: exploring the transformative depthsIn the realm of personal development, shadow healing stands as a profound and often overlooked method for self-discovery and growth. Rooted in Jungian psychology, it delves into the aspects of ourselves relegated to the shadows — the parts we suppress, deny, or find challenging to acknowledge. Shadow healing is a …
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- It’s time to reset your nervous system and thriveWorking long hours, family demands, financial challenges, and of course maintaining relationships, whilst caring for those you love – can all take its toll on your nervous system .Many women find their cycle becomes affected, and fatigue is a common symptom of a stressed out adult! Talking therapies only work …
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- Soul fragments: how to put yourself back togetherFeeling numb, disconnected, exhausted, apathetic, resentful? Perhaps life is feeling like it is too hard, and like it is always an uphill battle? When you are disconnected from your soul, in two or many pieces, it can feel like the life you knew or always thought you would have is …
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- Cultivate a daily gratitude practice for a meaningful lifeResearch is pretty clear in that the practice of gratitude is a tool that *needs* to be in your toolbox if you want to live a more meaningful and joyous life. Taking a moment each day (let’s say 5 mins), can be the difference between a life that feels hard …
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- Get your hands on Copaiba essential oil for inflammationHave you been wanting to get some essential oils but dont know where to start?Well, this month of May 2023 is a great place to begin your oils love affair as you will receive one of my fav oils for free – COPAIBA! That’s right. Enrol with a single 125PV …
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- Essential Oils as wellness tools“Wellness” refers to being in optimal physical and mental health. Essential oils are one of the easiest ways you can support yourself to better wellness. Are you addressing both aspects…or only one? (or none). Taking full personal responsibility for your wellness is like “future-proofing” in a small way (remember, accidents …
- Yoga for everybodyPrivate hatha yoga or yin yoga classes online or in person to deepen body and mind connection. Yoga is a funadamental practice for anyone who is wanting to deepen their mind and body connection, move in a way that supports health and longevity and feel good at the same time! …
- 30sec cold shower for better healthFancy exposing yourself to a 30sec cold shower each morning instead of running the risk of getting a cold or flu? Well, if research is anything to go by, you could be experiencing better health in as little as thirty days. Cold water therapy is a bit of a buzz …
- Scrub your Socials- take your power backStarting off the new year and taking your power back with a digital clean up clean up can be the most important thing you do at the start of the new year! Take your power back by removing negativity in your Socials, and removing the dead weight in your Inbox! …
- Frozen shoulder and healing your mindsetTo me, it is no surprise that researchers have proven what we massage therapists already know: soft tissue massage beats a gadget or device any day of the week! “Massage therapy has been my life’s work since I was twenty years old. I breathe it, I live it and I …
- Pregnancy and DepressionThere is hope. You can feel better. Spotlight on DEPRESSION in PREGNANCY and POSTPARTUM: Pregnancy is a really special time and one that can brig such joy. BUT let’s be real – in this covid world, pregnancy can be tinged with fear. And fear can lead to feelings of depression. …
- Intuitive Healing MassageMore than just massage – it is about releasing long-held trauma I recently received Client feedback after an Intuitive Healing Massage: Hi Belle, I feel so much better, I can’t thank you enough. I loved every part of your massage.I’m feeling a little tight and sore still and have been …
- How to Let Go (for good)“How do you let things go Belle? I have tried so hard and I just cant seem to do it.” -many clients I get asked this on a weekly basis by people with warm, loving hearts, who have been hurt, disappointed, let down, and treated badly by the people in …
- Accountability CoachingDo you feel like you lack motivation? You’re not alone. Many people attend a coaching or energy healing session and feel inspired to commit to new healthier life habits – only to get sick, overwhelmed, tired or disappointed by something in their life again. At that moment, their bad habits …
- Is your Job making you sick?Have you ever wondered if your job is making you sick? Whether your current way of working is keeping you in “survival mode” because of the “urgency” of all your projects and how you must act immediately and be available 24/7? Are the constant headaches, the neck and shoulder tension, …
- Healing after Narcissistic AbuseDid you know that energy healing, such as QHHT, Emotion Code, or Inner Child work, can support someone with PTSD or C-PTSD? Narcissistic abuse and gaslighting are particularly trauma-causing and crazy-making forms of psychological abuse. Living in a highly toxic relationship, particularly if there are children involved, can leave a …
- PTSD – you CAN heal with the proper supportRecently on the Today show Karl Stefanovic asked Dr Nick Coatsworth if he was a “bit broken” after discussing his experience with PTSD. So misguided Karl. It’s these kinds of loose comments that enforce the PTSD stigma that so many people are living with. Too many people are living with …
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- Why do we want to retreat when life feels too hard?Dreaming of life off-grid? There is a similar theme I am hearing lately of people wanting to retreat and run to a place that is ‘off grid’ and away from all the people or circumstances that stress them; concern them or make them feel fear about life and the future …
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- Yoga in the massage room?Q: Why are Belle’s healing sessions achieving more results in a MUCH shorter period of time (for people with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, PTSD, sleep issues) as compared to traditional psychology? A: The answer is simple – Belle uses an integrated bodywork approach for helping people release physical and emotional …
- When you can’t talk about itMany women are afraid to speak out about their ex-partner’s verbal or emotional abuse for fear of what they will do. Many times if they catch wind of you talking about their behaviour, they will up their abuse with vicious text rants, email abuse or social media abuse and torments. …
- Trauma BondingLet’s talk about empaths and narcissists in an intimate relationship. It is a recipe for destruction. It can lead to death…literally and figuratively. Every time we hear about a domestic violence case on the news, you can be sure that this escalated over time, and the person who was experiencing …
- Healing after Narcissistic AbuseAs someone who has lived in a narc abuse situation and felt the immense pain of losing self-confidence, zest for life, grounding, sense of reality as far as what I knew I was seeing and feeling, but being told I wasn’t……it is dangerous and very damaging. However, I hold no …
- Pain can be your best friend….however it may not feel like a good friend at first. In this blog I share my own healing journey from how I became an Emotion Code healer to now – facing my own healing crisis again with a hand injury. And so the time has come for the healer …
- Soul Care: calling yourself homeIf you are out of alignment, struggling with self care, unsure of your purpose, feel uncomfortable in your own skin, then this blog may help you…. When it comes to Soul Care, I am uncovering more about what this actually means with each day that I breathe. Soul care is …
- Who cares what “they” think!“It’s none of my business what other people think of me” ….said the healing empath. Have you ever felt like you’re not being your true self because you’re afraid of what others might think?There is so often this invisible brigade of haters that sit in the background of your life …
- Is it time to heal?Trauma doesn’t have to be some dark awful experience It can be multiple times of not listening to instinct. Not hearing your inner wisdom. Of ignoring what’s best for you. Of not being listened to by care givers. Of being told you’re being silly. Or too emotional. Or to stop …
- The Awakening WomanMy Mission: to support other women as they awaken to their true nature and inherent power. Now it is my honour and privilege to work with other women who are feeling the call of their wise woman. Who no longer want to live a life unfulfilled, with resentment and frustration. …
- How to use your emotions to feel incredibly goodHow would you rate your Emotional Wellness on a scale of 1-10? 8-10 – my emotions are fairly balanced and even. Sure I am like most women and will feel irritated at times, but I am reliable and stable and think clearly and reasonably most of the time. 5-7 …
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- Mindset- everything you need to know to get out of crisisMindset is the starting point of making any kind of life changes. In this blog Belle shares her 5 tips for finding a balanced and focused mindset to help up-level your life, and make it one that is extraordinary. You’ll be surprised to learn it isn’t complicated or fancy – …
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- Massage for early signs of painIf you woke up sore, or you got home from work yesterday feeling a bit tense and stiff in your joints, then can I suggest booking a massage QUICKLY? Did you notice that raising your arm up over head is getting harder to do? How about putting on …
- Postnatal NutritionThe postnatal period is possibly the most vulnerable period of a woman’s life. You’ve just gone through birth (Vaginal or caesarean – there is no easy way out!), you have a tiny human to keep alive that eats, poops and sleeps (in that order), but never actually sleeps …
- Why you need HOPE(Excerpt taken from Jessie Reimers) I loved Vanessa Jean’s message of leading with Hope at Convention in Sydney this year in March. This oil is not just a good smelling oil, it brings with it a message of hope that will set children free. Add it to your LRP each …
- Hubby Hopeless at massage? Honey, leave it to the professionals!You don’t need a hubby to massage you: Honey, you need a perinatal specialist! Many women say to me “I told my partner to massage me, but he’s hopeless!” (And thank god he is – otherwise we would be out of a job!) However, the beauty of seeing an experienced …
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- Emotional Pain from IVF leads to physical painThe world of IVF and assisted pregnancies leads to women needing a different kind of support from her natural health practitioner during this season of uncertainty. For a woman travelling the road of questionable fertility it can be scary, anger inducing, devastating, and sucks the joy out of life (and …
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- Safe Skin Care for Pregnancy & BreastfeedingAfter a conversation with a pregnant mama the other day, I got to wondering how many other soon-to-be-mamas out there are wondering about skin care and the questionable ingredients contained in these little (expensive) bottles of goodness (or crap)??? I have had a romance with skin care since I completed …
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- Enter: The Wise WomanAre you ready to meet your Wise Woman? You’ve known her all her life. She was there when you were gently brushing your hair in front of the mirror. She was there when you were playing with dolls and lovingly caring for them, whilst your mum commented on what a …
- The lates oil to be released from doTERRA could be a God-send for many people.In a world exclusive doTERRA has created a unique blend of Copaiba oil which combines 4 species of Copaifera*. So why has the Oily World gone crazy over it? Copaiba is a powerful oil that affects the same receptor sites in the body as marijuana – without the “high” or …
Continue reading “The lates oil to be released from doTERRA could be a God-send for many people.”
- The Wild WomanI feel the call of the wild woman. She is whispering to me through the breeze as I write this laying out on the grass on a warm spring day. She is calling me back to an ancient time where women were revered and honoured as divine incarnations and …
- 6 benefits of massage you may not know1) Massage is the Anti-Dote to sitting Most people in this modern world exist in a desk-bound, car-bound life-style. The pressure this puts on our spinal column causes all kinds of tension and pain in the neck and shoulders. However if you are sitting in a desk most of …
- Emotions are your guide postNot all physical sensations are from a physical place. They are quite often from the emotional body. Let me give you an example: You know that sinking feeling you might get when you think of someone who might be in trouble? Or that feeling of butterflies right before you have …
- Shit Happens….One morning I was laying on the couch and the sun was barely peeking through the clouds, and I was hating my life and hating the fact that I had to endure another day with two kids at home and one at school, and juggle everyone and try to get …
- Gansta Mum LifeDrop an emoji if you relate!
- The Importance of Being Selfish“Selfish” isn’t a dirty word…in fact it may be the most healthy character trait you can have…..as long as it is accompanied by kindness and love. Taking the time to look after your body regularly through exceptional food, pure water and regular exercise are the first three pillars to good …
- Dragging in energy? Choose 3 basic steps to feeling better!Is your energy lagging? Do you wake up often feeling like you are dragging yourself thru your day? Sure, you may get some energy moving AFTER coffee, AFTER a shower, AFTER exercising..but how would it feel if you felt good BEFORE doing anything? There are 3 EASY and available changes …
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- Sooth your tummy (and your emotions)Digestzen is doTERRA’s product of the month for April 2017…..but to be honest, it should be “Product of the Year”! There is a huge correlation between your mental health and your gut health. If you have been struggling with moods that resemble a roller coaster ride, or IBS-type symptoms …
- Re-Ignite Your PassionWhat is the #1 thing that makes a woman’s vitality fade? Answer: Not living and enjoying her passion! When you heart is “just not in it” you will experience more aches and pains, more headaches and more colds and flu. This is your body’s way of trying to get …
- Feeling Stuck? Practice Thankfulness & Gratitude dailyWho is feeling stuck??? You know the feeling…it is icky, you feel strangled somehow, like you are in a straight jacket and cant wiggle free. Feeling stuck is the SIGN you were waiting for!!! Feeling stuck means that it is becoming too uncomfortable for you to stay where you …
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- Love Your Body again…..(or for the first time)Essential Oils for emotional healing….. DoTERRA’s metabolic blend “Slim n Sassy” contains Grapefruit oil which has long been used to nurture self love and respect for the physical body. It supports those who struggle to honour their body and are caught in patterns of physical or emotional mistreatment. Grapefruit oil can help: …
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- 50 Mum #lifehacksModern mums are so extraordinary aren’t we!!! Never before in the history of ever, has a woman been expected to be so many things all rolled into ONE gorgeous creation. We are expected to be a mum, part of the work force, have self confidence, self worth, be a good …
- Is everyone but YOU getting pregnant?How to deal with the pain and disappointment when everyone around you is getting pregnant I LOVE this blog by Katie Ryan from Newcastle. This sums up exactly how MANY of my clients feel….have you ever felt like this? Lets try and remove the social stigma associated with not being …
- Find Your Core ValuesDo you feel like you are STUCK and can’t move forward in to the life of your DREAMS? Do you have an idea of how to live your best life, but are feeling like there is something holding you back? Has there been this feeling within you for a …
- Top 5 #postnatalhacks to THRIVE in the Postnatal weekThank GOD you have finally had the baby! No more pain in the lower back, you can get up and down from the couch easily and you can eat whatever food you like again without the risk of salmonella, reflux or throwing up! Now that the baby is …
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- Throw out your air fresheners for the sake of your unborn baby!Would you breathe this crap into your body? 2,6-dimethyl-7-octen-2-ol; 2-t-butylcyclohexyl acetate; butylphenyl methylpropional; c13-14 alkane; dipropylene glycol; ethyl linalool; ethyl methylphenylglycidate; hexyl cinnamal; linalool; methyldihydrojasmonate For years I have shuddered with fear when I walk into a home that has plug-in style air fresheners or scented candles made by …
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- Try Working Softer, not HarderYou know the drill, it is splashed all over Facebook and instagram memes: work hard – play hard But I am calling B******t on this, and taking a stand for women (and men) everywhere who are TIRED, BURNED OUT, FEELING LIKE A FAILURE and just want to pull the covers …
- The Mind/Body ConnectionPut simply, the Mind/Body Connection is your ability to connect the symptoms your body shows you, with the way you think. Simple? Not really…. Our busy lifestyle disconnects most of us from the simple conversation our body is always having with us. If you are always in conflict, or always …
- Spinal Health WeekSpinal Health Week 291 Port Hacking Road, Miranda 2228 adminchfc@optusnet.com.au Website Chiropractors: Clair Hogan, Cherie McAllister & Peter Swift Specialising in family care using safe, gentle and effective techniques. The clinic offers a warm friendly environment with modern equipment and easy on-street parking. Special Offer for Spinal …
- I am living the life I want!Can you say that you are living the life you’ve always wanted, imagined, planned for and desired? Most people cannot honestly say that they are living the life they desire. And that makes me sad. Why? Because life is too short to be living less than an exceptional life. Sure, …
- The Power of Positive Mind SetDo you want to expand, change, move, grow – but feel stuck / scared / shy / unworthy / not good enough / not skilled enough ? Do you have dreams you long to fulfill, but don’t know where to start? Do you know how to CREATE CHANGE in your life? Here’s …
- Belle’s Isagenix Body TransformationMy Isagenix Goals: My goal with starting Isagenix was to lose body fat around my mid-section – you can see my physical changes in the pics above. I began my body transformation in July 2015, little did I realise that it would transform my mind and my thinking as well. …
- Live Love LatchBy Clair Hogan (Clair Hogan Family Chirpractic Miranda) Live, Love, Latch Most of us are aware of the saying ‘Breast is best” yet we often lack the information regarding the benefits for mother and child. The World Health Organisation states breastfeeding plays an essential role in the treatment and prevention …
- Do You Feel Disconnected from Those Around You?Do you feel like you are standing on the outside, looking in on your life? Have you ever felt like you are numb to the experiences you are having? Do you feel all alone? During our lifetime we experiences many ups and downs that make us feel disconnected at times …
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- Do we expect too much from our men in the birthing suite?As a prenatal massage therapist of nigh on twenty years, it has been my privilege to work with thousands of women in all stages of their pregnancies. Each woman is approaching the birth of her child (whether it be her first or fourth) with the same thoughts and sometimes worries, …
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- Do you have Adrenal Fatigue?
- Do we expect too much from our men in the birthing suite?As a prenatal massage therapist of nigh on twenty years, it has been my privilege to work with thousands of women in all stages of their pregnancies. Each woman is approaching the birth of her child (whether it be her first or fourth) with the same thoughts and sometimes worries, …
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- Soldier On This Winter?When you have a cold or flu (a real flu where you have aches and pains and fever, and you have trouble lifting yourself out of bed) – what is the best way to treat this?: A) soldier on, and take cold and flu “medicine” and go to work. B) …
- Hormones during labourHormones during labour – what, why, how do i get more? Oxytocin is often known as the “hormone of love” because it is involved with lovemaking, fertility, contractions during labor and birth, and the release of milk in breastfeeding. Oxytocin stimulates powerful contractions, which help to thin and open (dilate) …
- Relationships: Man vs WomanWritten by Dr. Caroline Leaf. Relating with members of the opposite sex can be frustrating and difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Successful relationships begin in the mind (which seeks understanding) and, through the choices we make, will end in the Spirit (which knows truth). In my book, “Who …
- Health & Somatic WellnessI want to talk about a technique I use sometimes with clients that I refer to as Somatic Wellness. Somatic therapy was used by psychologist Wilhelm Reich (1897-197) who laid the foundations of what he called “body psychotherapy”. He found in his clinical work as an analyst working with psychologist …
- Observations of the Emotional Stages of PregnancyWhen working with pregnant women, it is important to remember they are not only going through immense physical changes, but emotional and spiritual ones too. Primarily my focus when working with pregnant women is to relieve muscular aches and pains, so that they can regain the joy of their …
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- The Stress – Body Pain – Sugar ConnectionIn my clinic I have observed that the majority of my clients: Suffer from daily/ weekly / monthly bouts of sore neck, shoulders and headache pain. Report their unstoppable “addiction” to sugar, (or chocolate more specifically) in times of stress. Detail their constant feeling of being overwhelmed, stressed, or just …
Continue reading “The Stress – Body Pain – Sugar Connection”
- Helping teams thrive through science-backed wellness practices
- Unlock the Secrets of Summer: Transformative Teachings from the Spirit of Cicada
- The dawn of a new kind of approach to counselling & therapy
- Soul Alchemy: unlock your inner compass
- Shadow healing: exploring the transformative depths
- It’s time to reset your nervous system and thrive
- Soul fragments: how to put yourself back together
- Cultivate a daily gratitude practice for a meaningful life
- Get your hands on Copaiba essential oil for inflammation
- Essential Oils as wellness tools
- Yoga for everybody
- 30sec cold shower for better health
- Scrub your Socials- take your power back