Live Love Latch

By Clair Hogan (Clair Hogan Family Chirpractic Miranda)

Live, Love, Latch

Most of us are aware of the saying ‘Breast is best” yet we often lack the information regarding the benefits for mother and child. The World Health Organisation states breastfeeding plays an essential role in the treatment and prevention of childhood illness, and recommends breastfeeding for at least 2 years. When babies are born, their immune systems are underdeveloped. Through breast feeding, you pass your antibodies on to your baby, helping to keep your baby healthy and grow their immune system faster than bottle-fed babies. Studies show that breastfed children are sick less often, have fewer allergies, are more socially adjusted and have greater cognitive function.

However, despite wanting what is best for our child, breastfeeding is not easy and certainly doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Breastfeeding can be a physical and emotional ordeal, but being aware of the benefits and the support available can often make it easier to be patient while we acquire this new skill.

Most of the difficulties experienced with breast feeding can be resolved through correct advice and technique. It is best to seek advice on your technique from a midwife or lactation consultant or from other mothers who have successfully breastfed. It is also quite possible that difficulty may be the result of restricted upper cervical motion due to spinal misalignment or cranial bone structure commonly suffered through the birthing process. It is important to have your child checked to make sure there are no underlying cervical dysfunctions impacting your child’s natural abilities.

If breastfeeding has become an emotional ordeal and you’ve sought guidance and support then bottle feeding or formulas can be of great benefit. Be sure to consult your healthcare physician to find the ideal formula for your baby. It’s important to empower yourself with knowledge, so that you can provide the nutritional support needed to nourish their growth and development.

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