Postnatal Nutrition
The postnatal period is possibly the most vulnerable period of a woman’s life.
You’ve just gone through birth (Vaginal or caesarean – there is no easy way out!), you have a tiny human to keep alive that eats, poops and sleeps (in that order), but never actually sleeps long enough for you to get anything done – including sleep much yourself. Your heart is full, but so are your hands, and the thought of waking that beautiful dozy baby to grab a bite to eat – well, you’d rather chop your own arm off at the shoulder than rock, sway and sing (badly!) for another hour to get this darling cherub (who now sounds like a screaming banshee, by the way) back to a blissful sleep.
So, right from those early days, you do what most mums do.
You put yourself last.
But with the lack of sleep, the stress of looking after this tiny being, the repairing your body needs to do following birth (and sometimes the mental repair from a traumatic birth), & hormonal fluctuations within your body as it tries to adapt to your new reality – mean you have NEVER needed to be more mindful of your nutrition for your own health at any other time in your life.
I feel postnatal nutrition is SO important, irrespective of whether you breastfeed or not.
Obviously breastfeeding mama’s have to ensure they eat well, and enough, to support breast milk production. But in many ways, it is the mothers that wanted to breastfeed but struggle, or are forced into circumstances where breastfeeding has been cut short, that I feel need the most support. Often, they feel a sense of loss, not feeling good enough, and judgement, which can lead to negative feelings that spiral into postnatal anxiety and/ or depression. I know. I was one of them.
We all know the link between diet and mental health. Eating lots of fresh, nutritious food should be included in every new mum’s mental health strategy, as it will provide mothers with the nutrients they need to positively support mental health.
Eating for Mental Health:
The concept of the foods we eat impacting our mental health is not new. Various studies point to changes in behaviour, cognition, and depression & anxiety scores when participants followed a whole food diet vs. an average western diet (which features packaged foods, fast foods, and only minimal fresh produce and quality animal products).
Deficiencies of the B group Vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, as well as Zinc and Selenium have been implicated in the development of postnatal depression. Limiting anti-nutritive foods like processed and fast foods, and increasing fresh fruits and vegetables will help to address these deficiencies.
Focusing on small, frequent meals that contain complex carbohydrates, protein and fats will ensure sustained blood sugar levels, which positively impacts satiety, and regulates moods. Examples include 2 rice cakes with nut butter, some full fat Greek yoghurt with fruit, nuts & seeds, or a 2 boiled eggs with avocado on crackers.
Foods that provide the nutrients commonly deficient in those with postnatal depression include lean meats, cheese, eggs, yoghurt, leafy greens, avocado, seeds and nuts, and oily fish.
There is also mounting evidence that the gut microbiota is linked to psychiatric conditions including depression and anxiety. A recent study also found that mothers that supplemented with probiotic Lactobacillus Rhamnosus HN001 (6bn CFU / day for 6 months postnatally) reported significantly lower depression scores, based on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) questionnaire. So definitely worth discussing with your natural health practitioner whether including a probiotic in your daily routine may be beneficial to your mental health.
Eating for Energy Support:
When it comes to nutrients, The B complex vitamins are the energy powerhouses. They are utilised throughout the Krebs cycle (otherwise known as the Citric Acid Cycle) – which is the set of reactions that create energy within our cells.
The thing to remember about the B group vitamins is that they are synergistic, and are absorbed best when consumed together.
Where can you find these nutrients?
The best sources of most of the B vitamins is animal products – lean meats, poultry, eggs, yoghurt, cheese. B9 (Folate) is high in leafy green vegetables, and many breads are now fortified with folic acid (another form of the nutrient, however some people lack the enzyme to convert folic acid to it’s active form).
Other nutrients to be mindful of with regard to energy:
Magnesium, which is required for energy production, but can also support rest given its action of relaxing both the smooth & skeletal muscle. Find it in leafy greens like spinach, beets, cacao, pepitas (pumpkin seeds) and bananas.
Iron, which can be depleted post birth due to blood loss. Iron forms an integral part of haemoglobin, which binds to oxygen within the blood, transporting it around the body for use by the cells. Find it in red meat, and in lesser amounts in leafy green vegetables.
Iodine is required for the production of your thyroid hormones. Your thyroid is responsible for thermoregulation, setting your metabolism, and regulating the activity of all the cells within the body. Find it in Seafood, and to a lesser extent cheese and eggs.
Coenzyme Q10 creates energy within the mitochondria of each and every cell of the body. Without it, you can expect fatigue, sore joints and muscles, and changes to kidney function, eyesight and cognition. You can find Coenzyme Q10 in organ meats, beef, sardines, mackerel and peanuts.
Eating to support healthy Bowel Movements
And you thought birth was scary!
I highly recommend women eat a high fibre diet and drink ample water (2L minimum, 3L is better) in the postnatal period for many reasons, but to keep bowel motions soft and easy to pass is one of them. Especially when there has been any tearing or grazing downstairs.
Generally, 30gm of fibre per day is recommended, as a mix of both soluble and insoluble fibre.
So what does that look like?
½ cup rolled oats with almonds and banana in the morning, a mixed salad with 2 boiled eggs and ½ an avocado at lunch, an apple and 1 cup air popped popcorn as a snack, and a steak with some sweet potato, broccoli & carrot at dinner (just remember to keep the skin on).
Ensuring healthy gut flora can also help keep things moving along, so I will often prescribe a multi-strain probiotic formulated for the pregnancy & postnatal period.
Should you Supplement?
Short answer – yes.
In general, our soils have been depleted of nutrients by modern farming methods, and as a result our produce contains far less vitamins & minerals than they once did.
Couple that with exhausted new mums, extra energy requirements (for breastfeeding and / or physical repair following birth), but a limited intake of nutritious food, and I believe supplementing is generally required.
I recommend continuing with a pregnancy multivitamin for the first year of your bub’s life to ensure you are getting the key nutrients required to support mental health, energy production, & repair.
Kimberley is available Tues and Wed in the clinic, and at other times via Skype / Zoom.
Hubby Hopeless at massage? Honey, leave it to the professionals!
You don’t need a hubby to massage you:
Honey, you need a perinatal specialist!
Many women say to me “I told my partner to massage me, but he’s hopeless!” (And thank god he is – otherwise we would be out of a job!)
However, the beauty of seeing an experienced perinatal massage therapist is that we know there is more work to be done here than just massaging the sore spots.
You are only going to get frustrated with your man cos he can’t get the right spot – but honestly, why do you expect him to hold the knowledge of 20yrs of experience in the thumbs of his left and right hand. Unless he is spiritually gifted with the knowledge of a previous life, then you can be damn sure he is trying his best, but when he knows he can’t do it right because he works at a desk job and has no idea what to do with his hands and basically is scared of the T-Rex that might emerge when he is “doing it wrong”.
Your massage therapist is more than just a good pair of hands- she is strong shoulders to
lean on, and a big heart to be nurtured from – use her.
She is waiting for you.
No Love, leave it to the professionals. We are the ones who can work with your body and support you every step of the way. Knowing how to position a pregnant body is one thing, but understanding why you are feeling the way you do (ie: why are the aches and pains there in the first place) and then knowing how to release them physically or emotionally is another thing altogether.
This is the reason a professional is required in pregnancy:
Let me speak a moment about using firm pressure in a massage during pregnancy. This is really my domain here. I believe that there is a huge opportunity here for the woman to learn how to breathe deeply whilst under pressure (if you have had a deep tissue massage before you will know what this is like!) I will teach you how to breathe in a way that transmutes the pain and helps it to ease away. I will teach you to not fear “pain” but to be able to recognise that the sensation of pain has many levels and that not all will actually be tremendously uncomfortable. The Good Pain. Do you know what I mean?
I choose to call it a sensation rather than pain, and often I will say that this is just a challenge point which means you can breathe through it. This kind of sensation awareness is invaluable for when you are in labour, because you will have already set up a pain/response cycle that involves deep breathing, and switching of the fear/retreat/panic response (which only causes more intensity of pain) and allows you to relax into the sensations.
We don’t push you though trigger points and follow the “no pain no gain” principle. Nor do we think a “fluffy” light-handed massage is going to do anything other than annoy the woman on the table. Let’s face it, when a therapist is moving their hands over that sore spot over and over again but …they…just….don’t…get…..into…it…OMG it is SOOOO frustrating. Right?
We sit somewhere in the middle of these two principles. We know the aches and pains and we know how to work with them – just firmly enough – to enable them to release. But if you have ever been to a Spa or a clinic that doesn’t specialise in pregnancy massage, you will be very familiar with their ”softly, softly” approach. But, maybe this is just what you need? So, we know how to adjust our pressure accordingly, it is never a one size fits all approach in our treatment rooms.
You can’t learn most of the stuff we do here at the clinic in a TAFE or a college. The work we do is based on research, theoretical questioning and then observations, testing and revising. That’s our point of difference. We have applied the training we have done, directly to our pregnant clients, and we see amazing results because we treat the whole person – mind, body and spirit.
Not only that, we will show you how to turn over in bed that will reduce discomfort, and we will show you how to use meditation and essential oils to ease symptoms and issues that crop up in each trimester.
You are not losing your mind:
Sometimes during pregnancy you will feel like there will be a different emotional state seemingly every few hours! But don’t be alarmed, you are simply transitioning and learning how to be in a new role.
For now, you are the grower of a child, and this will challenge even the most stable woman. Learning how to process these strong emotions that come out of nowhere will also help you to release them so they don’t return as often, or at all.
Learning how to lean in to your massage therapist during these trimesters can be empowering and incredibly reassuring as you transition to motherhood. Hopefully your massage therapist has had a baby or three and can understand exactly where you are at, and empathise with you! It helps to know you aren’t going mad, and that your tears – as irrational as they may be – are perfectly acceptable in this moment.
Belle xx
Gansta Mum Life
Drop an emoji if you relate!
Love Your Body again…..(or for the first time)
Essential Oils for emotional healing…..
DoTERRA’s metabolic blend “Slim n Sassy” contains Grapefruit oil which has long been used to nurture self love and respect for the physical body. It supports those who struggle to honour their body and are caught in patterns of physical or emotional mistreatment.
Grapefruit oil can help:
Negative emotions – hate for the body, obsession with food or dieting, anxiety over appearance, eating issues
Positive Properties – respect for body, meeting physical needs, body-acceptance, nourished, healthy relationship with food.
These forms of abuse may include severe dieting, judging one’s body weight or type, and abusing the body through negligent behaviours or violence. These acts are often motivated by hate and disgust buried within the psyche which gets directed towards the physical body. Though the individual may obsess over how they look, they know deep down they will never feel good enough, nor look good enough.
Grapefruit oil is often misused in overly strict dietary and weight loss programs. The reason this oil helps to curb emotional eating is because it encourages a positive relationship with one’s body, based on love, tolerance and acceptance. Grapefruit encourages integrity by respecting one’s physical needs. This oils assists the individual in listening to their true physical needs and impulses. It also assists one in taking responsibility for what they feel.
Grapefruit teaches that no amount of food can fill a hole in the heart – only love can do that.
As the individual takes ownership of their feelings and gets the help they need to hide their feelings behind food, body abuse, strict regimes, eating issues or other forms of obsession.
During pregnancy a woman will go through many changes of loving and not loving her body. This is normal, however it becomes abnormal when a woman will restrict her food, or keep up an exhausting exercise regime that would put a non-pregnant person to shame!
Pregnancy is NOT a time for losing weight (unless of course you have been instructed by your doc to lose weight). It is not a time for being strict, and it is certainly not a time for obsessing over your weight gain.
Pregnancy IS a time for learning how to “go with the flow”, of how to eat in a way that nourishes AND satisfies – so that you and your baby can be as healthy and happy as possible. There is a direct correlation between the food you eat and your mood and emotional state – so if you are smashing the donuts and coke, you can imagine your emotional state will not be entirely stable….which will then send you down the rabbit hole into self loathing, guilt and shame afterwards. Believe me, this is a vicious cycle, and one you will find it hard to get out of.
Using this oil blend, or just grapefruit on its own during pregnancy, can help you to remain loving and caring whilst observing the changes your body is going through.
If you would like to have a deeper love for your body, feel self acceptance, and develop a healthier relationship with food, then use this oil daily as part of your “self care” regimen. Dab behind the ears, or (if not pregnant) drop 1-2 drops across your belly, whilst holding the intention “I love and accept myself”.
To order Slim n Sassy CLICK HERE
To book an Emotional Clearing consultation with Belle email belle @
50 Mum #lifehacks
Modern mums are so extraordinary aren’t we!!!
Never before in the history of ever, has a woman been expected to be so many things all rolled into ONE gorgeous creation.
We are expected to be a mum, part of the work force, have self confidence, self worth, be a good role model, be a fine housewife, be able to manage finances well, help out at school/canteen, get motivated to have a strong and fit body, encourage kids to stays off screens and play outside more, ferry kids to sports and activities, be a welcoming presence to our partner as they come home, be able to cook like a nutritionist and provide balanced healthy meals each day, be a microbiologist and prepare green smoothies that look yuck and taste yuck (but are super healthy)…..
.……is it any wonder most mums I know are TIRED. OH SO TIRED! Worn out. Stressed out. Guilty. Over it. Cranky. Frustrated. Needing space.
Is this you? Well, I can’t stop the constant-ness of this busy life, but I can offer you some oily #lifehacks that will help you be a better, more efficient and happier version of yo’self!!!
Try out these oily #lifehacks using essential oils. From everything from wellness, to home to finances (oils save you $$$) to increasing energy, to removing chemicals from fruit – we have you covered. Little tips and tricks you can actually USE in everyday life.
Using essential oils is a game changer – it will make you more conscious of living a chemical-free life style, it will empower you to look after your own health better and with more confidence, and will help you to know what do when your child gets sick – and keep you out of the doctor’s office for common colds/conditions.
Click the link:
50 mum #lifehacks: practical uses for essential oils
If you would like to buy your oils from me, and become part of my Mind Body Wellness Tribe (you get cool goodies, and loads on info and support, so it’s awesome!) then click HERE.
Find Your Core Values
Do you feel like you are STUCK and can’t move forward in to the life of your DREAMS?
Do you have an idea of how to live your best life, but are feeling like there is something holding you back?
Has there been this feeling within you for a while now that you need …..something different….but you don’t know what that is?
These feelings are ALL TOO FAMILIAR to me! They often come at periods where I also start to feel bored and like I am not living my life at 100%. Do you feel like that?
The feelings I get are this deep down irritation, where I feel like I need to wriggle my way through a small under ground cave that is narrow and dark and scary. LOL! I know, dramatic, but I think in pictures!
What helps me to shake these feeling when they come up is to go back to making sure I am living from my Core Values. Most people can’t verbally express what their Core Values are – they have a feeling of what they are, and they will certainly know what they are when prompted with examples, but most people can’t put them into words.
The difference between the truly successful and satisfied people and yourself, is that they have learned the skill of checking in with their Core Values – regularly – and being able to hold them in the front of their mind. Once you know what they are, then you can use them as your baseline for every situation you find yourself in and choice you need to make.
Your Core Values will make you feel excited, motivated, peaceful, happy, content, inspired etc
So when you know what you are working from, you can then size up anyone or anything to make sure they fit inside your value system.
Let me give you an example:
Let’s say my Core Values are – Adventure, Trust, Peace, Friendship and Solitude (a mixed bag here!)
These are important to me in this particular period of my life (remember your Core Values will change, kind of like seasons change.) So let’s say I am hating my job. I mean, I wake up every morning and I dread rolling out of bed. I am sad as I have to leave and as I take the train into work each day I get cranky with the fellow travellers. My boss I cannot stand, and I have nothing in common with my co-workers and I don’t engage with them. (this sounds awful!)
My job is at a desk and I am an analyst so I don’t talk to anyone all day, I just work from a PC.
Let’s look at my Core Values again: Adventure, Trust, Peace, Friendship and Solitude
In this particular scenario I can see that “solitude” lines up – which is why I probably picked this role to begin with.
Adventure….? Um that’s a “no”. There is none of that here.
Peace….? There is peace in the fact I talk to no-one, but I don’t feel peaceful in my spirit.
Trust….? I don’t know my co-workers. So there is no trust. Only in myself.
Friendship….? That’s a clear “no”.
So from this example I can see that I know why I picked this job, and that perhaps it has run its season? I now know why I am miserable every day, and I know what I am looking for in a job that I apply for.
So then I need to MANIFEST what kind of job I want to work in….(we will cover MANIFESTING next time)
So now it is up to YOU – click on the link below and work thru the booklet to find your Core Values and start living your life on purpose!
The Mind/Body Connection
Alternatively if you are practicing peace, let go of the need to be right, and have accepted “what is”, your body will be softer, more flowing and have less tension.
Next time you are tempted to use a “feeling phrase” such as “I’m sick to death of this guy!” STOP, breathe and re-phrase (at the very least) or LET IT GO…..because we don’t want you sick, or dead…….
Spinal Health Week
Spinal Health Week
291 Port Hacking Road, Miranda 2228
Chiropractors: Clair Hogan, Cherie McAllister &
Peter Swift
Specialising in family care using safe, gentle and effective techniques.
The clinic offers a warm friendly environment with modern equipment and easy on-street parking.
Special Offer for Spinal Health Week:
Free computerised spinal scan analysis worth $60.00.
Phone Clair Hogan Family Chiropractic 9525 1808 to book your appointment and mention Belle.
Offer available throughout Spinal Health Week
23rd – 28th May 2016.
Belle’s Isagenix Body Transformation
My Isagenix Goals:
My goal with starting Isagenix was to lose body fat around my mid-section – you can see my physical changes in the pics above. I began my body transformation in July 2015, little did I realise that it would transform my mind and my thinking as well. After being on the Isagenix clean eating program for five months at the writing of this post, I have finally found a new respect for my body and for me as a person. I am enjoying the increased energy I have, the brain clarity, and my new leaner and stronger body.
Each month brought a new self-realisation for me to acknowledge and accept myself, and what began as a quest to “lose weight”, saw me gaining self confidence, self awareness and the abiity to let go of more than just fat.
To go from a woman who would yawn her way thru the afternoon, and struggle to pull herself from the couch to cook dinner each evening, to a woman bursting with energy, waking with the sun most mornings, and having the clarity of mind to continue studying well into the evening – it is a miracle.
The Program:
Isagenix has not been a “quick fix” or a “simple solution” for me – even though the program is simple enough: drink 2 protein smoothies per day, choose high protein snacks and enjoy a 400-600 calorie meal once per day.
PLUS Cleanse the body for 24hrs one day per week to help boost metabolism and give my digestive system a rest.
The reason it wasn’t “easy” is because I have a long and committed history around negative associations with food. For me food has been a comfort, a reward, a punishment, a safety, a security and a refuge. Isagenix has helped balance my body’s hormones to a point where I rarely crave chocolate or ice cream, and if I do eat them I don’t feel very good afterwards. Eating well has become a priority to me, rather than eating really expensive and indulgent chocolate! The program has given me the nutrition to physically beat the bad habits, while I release the mental self sabotage that goes along with my eating. This takes time – and I wouldn’t say I am “fixed” yet, but I am well on the way to where I want to be.
Most people I know have trouble doing Cleanse Days and I am no exception. The idea of depriving myself of food really scared me, because I had an irrational fear that not eating for 24hrs equalled dying of starvation. However the support from my Sponsor and the Isagenix online community helped me make it thru my first one – and the next and the next. Just knowing there are so many people on Facebook groups ready and willing to support me is amazing. It has defnitely been a part of my success. Now I look forward to Cleanse days, especially after the holiday season or a particularly big night (YES you can still indulge occaisionally whilst on the program, the beauty of it is, you won’t indulge nearly as much as you used to!).

Are YOU ready for change this year?
This is the most important question you may be asked. The answer you give will determine if you are going to smash the program or succumb to another round of self defeating thoughts and habits.
The Isagenix program will nourish your body, detox you gently at a cellular level, improve your energy and increase mental clarity. Everyone knows your weight is governed by 80% of what you eat and 20% of how you move. The easy part is ordering your first 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse System, the harder part is allowing yourself the opportunity to really give it a go.
contact me today and get ready to see massive changes in your body and mind
Contact by Email