I am living the life I want!

Can you say that you are living the life you’ve always wanted, imagined, planned for and desired? Most people cannot honestly say that they are living the life they desire. And that makes me sad. Why? Because life is too short to be living less than an exceptional life.

Sure, “things happen” I hear you say, BUT if you are not creating the life you really want, then who will? There is little point watching “everyone else” live the life they are wanting, if you are just on the sidelines wishing and dreaming. Allowing circumstances to dictate your life to you will get you nowhere except depressed. The difference between the wishers & dreamers and the ones actually living the life of their dreams, is that they have taken action!

“ACTION turns your dreams into reality”




Action is the one thing that is simple and yet seems so difficult at the same time. So here are my steps to taking action:

1. Start writing a list of what you want

What you do with your life if money was no problem? Imagine you have won $100 million in the lottery. Give yourself permission to dream for 2 mins (set your phone timer) and just think about what you would do with yourself if money was no option! Make the list as audacious as possible, and don’t let your rational mind (the monkey mind) start to tell you that you are being ridiculous. Then after you buy all the “stuff” that you ‘think’ you need (like cars, houses, round the world holiday, give money to family etc) – write down what you would do with your life from then on.
For example; would you sit on a beach for the rest of your life? Would you travel to third world countries and volunteer? Would you start a hobby/biz? Would you work in an industry you have always wanted to? Would you go to Uni and get that law degree you always wished you had time to do? Would you teach fitness to oldies in nursing homes? Would you bake cookies? Would you be the person who offers free sunscreen spray on the beach on the Gold Coast?

The list you write will be very revealing to what it is that is actually inside you busting to get out!

2. Vision Board Creation

This is my favourite thing to do. When I am feeling like I need a change in my life I set aside about 4 hrs to create my Vision Board and then I enjoy the process of ‘feeling’ my dreaming. This step is important because when you start to get pictures of things you want to have or do in your life, then you can tap into the feeling sensations of actually what it would be like to experience these things. You may be surprised at how strong your feelings can be when you imagine having what you are wanting. But you may also be surprised when you are imagining what you “think” you want, and realise you don’t actually like the feeling of it! This will quickly help you to realise what is truly important to you and what actually is just a low level “want”. I call this being in your Zone of Desire. That place where the internal and real you starts to bubble to the surface. You will realise your higher level “wanting” and then begin to understand what your life purpose is.

Vision-BoardSo how do you start to get into that feeling space?
My suggestion is to select images of things that you want. I prefer to use magazines but more and more I will create collages on my laptop or phone – you can search millions of images online, making it easier to get EXACTLY the right image for what you are wanting. From here you take one pic at a time look at it, take in everything you can from that pic and then close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, and then imagine what it would be like to have or do what is pictured in the image you are holding. Notice what is around you. Notice WHO is around you. Notice the emotion and see if you can name it. Then see if you can feel the area in your body you are feeling the emotion most intensely. Don’t worry if this seems difficult at first. Just keep going through the process with each image you have chosen and you will gradually start to develop this feeling sense

3. Reinforce your Vision Board with positive affirmations

You have probably practiced affirmations before, you may have read books or been to workshops and you may have decided “they don’t work” for you. LOL! How can speaking positively over your life not work for you? Look at it from a different angle: don’t speak the words to GET something, speak the words to LIVE something. Still confused? By speaking words of LIFE over yourself, (“My future is bright”, “I create my own reality” etc), rather than DEATH (“I never get what I want”, “I am always going to be poor”, “I will never have the relationship I want” etc) you create a doorway for positivity to walk through. BUT, you are never going to get what you want while you are still speaking negatively. It just doesn’t work that way, because negativity creates a block.

So here is your mission. Place you Vision Board in a prominent position in your home/workplace. Whenever you look at your Vision Board you instantly remember how good it felt to imagine having everything you see on the board. Remember the five senses being activated, and how excited you felt when you placed yourself into receiving what you are wanting. Then repeat this: “These things, or greater I have received”.

If you do this every day when you look at the Board you will soon start to see your life changing in the smallest – and sometimes the largest – of ways.

4. Mindset:

In my opinion it is always about mindset. Your life is going the way you have chosen in your mind to perceive it, and only YOU can change how you perceive it. If you believe that there is a limited supply of happiness, or abundance in the world, then guess what? You wont be receiving what you are wanting. But if you believe that life is what you make of it, that things continually work out for you, then your perception of the world will be different. Who would you rather be: Moody Megan and Pessimistic Peter, or Optimistic Olivia and Thankful Terry? Begin repeating your affirmation every day (prob more than once a day you will see your Board) and if you have even a small doubt trying to creep in like “I am never going to have that car”, then SMASH this negativity by repeating your affirmation three times to negate it! Your focus is that you will have what you are wanting, this or greater, and that YOU get to create the life you desire – no one else!

When I first started using Vision Boards I was often disillusioned by not getting what I pasted on my board quick enough. But I soon learned that “what you focus on, you become” and if I was focusing on happiness, excitement, love, beautiful things and experiences, then my life soon gave me these things – just not necessarily in the way I had imagined. I have a pic of a BMW X5 on my Board. Do I have it? Not yet!! But I know this isn’t about the car necessarily, more about the fact that I need a car that is SAFE, can fit all my kids and drives safely and feels comfortable. I currently drive a Territory – isn’t that all these things? So I say “thank you for my Territory” knowing that I will get a new car when it is the right time financially. Learning to be appreciative in the waiting is very important.

I will be writing more about Gratitude over the coming weeks. But for now, just be thankful for the house you have, the holidays you have been on, the clothes in your cupboard, the car you drive, the jewelry you own, the money you have, the health in your body, the people who love you. The rest will come, in the way it is meant to, in perfect timing, when you learn to identify what you WANT and combine your MINDSET to line up with it.

If you are in Sydney you are invited to practice getting in to the right mindset and learn what your core values are and how to line them up with what you are wanting. This workshop will give you the tools to create the life you desire.

Saturday 9 April 2.30pm-4.30pm
Cost: $97pp

The Power of Positive Mind Set

Do you want to expand, change, move, grow – but feel stuck / scared / shy / unworthy / not good enough / not skilled enough ?

Do you have dreams you long to fulfill, but don’t know where to start? 

Do you know how to CREATE CHANGE in your life?

Here’s my top 5 tips for CREATING CHANGE in your thought-life and making 2016 the BEST year of your life:


1. Surround yourself with positive people -if you want to CHANGE your life, you need to ensure you have “change-agents” around you. Have you heard the saying “birds of a feather flock together”? Well who do you want to flock with?  Positive people INSPIRE you, want the BEST for you and they don’t get caught up in low-level vibrations like gossip or bitchiness. These people are your supporters, your cheer squad and they ALWAYS make you feel better when you leave them.
But remember that just by surrounding yourself with positive people isn’t enough, you need to practice saying and thinking positive things every day….
2. Speak words of encouragement over yourself for 2mins every day – find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed or feel self conscious, and set your phone timer for 2mins. Then take a deep breath in, and for the next 2 minutes ONLY speak out loud sentences that start with “I am” or “I have”. Each sentence will be positive and will take you to the next sentence, eg: “I am worthy of success”….”I have the most satisfying job in the world”….”I am a wonderful person”….”I have loyal and supportive friends”….and so on.
Be AUDACIOUS in your words. Say whatever comes to mind – even if you dont’t believe it is true (yet!). You are re-writing your subconscious thoughts, with your SPOKEN WORD (you HAVE to say it out loud.). Each day you will feel more and more comfortable doing this, so persevere and enjoy these 2mins of self love!
But simply saying these things isn’t enough, you need to get into your head all the wonderful things you ALREADY have in your life….
3. Keep a gratitude journal – my amazing biz coach (www.musecoaching.com.au) taught me this easy technique and it has been an awesome reminder of all the GOOD things in my life. You can write for hours or just 3 things each day that you are THANKFUL for and it will make a HUGE difference in how you view your life. If there is something you need (like a bigger car, or a house without mould) then be sure to be thankful for the car and house you do have first!). Practicing gratitude has been shown by researchers to lift mood and create a more healthful body.
It’s a Win/Win.
4. Celebrate small successes along the way – I think this one ties in with being THANKFUL….because when you are reminding yourself daily about the things you are grateful for, then you can see the small successes and you can see your PROGRESS more clearly. Be sure to take a moment and pat yourself on the back, or say a prayer of thanks (whatever floats your boat) and mark the occasion with a moment of silence (or a glass of champagne!)
But remember that all this movement requires a balance of stillness as well…..
5. Meditate daily for 3-5mins – it’s a well known (and researched) fact that meditation helps to reduce stress and overwhelm, helps to create peace from the centre of your being, and helps you view the world differelty. Enough said really. There are plenty of meditation classes / books / schools and Apps you can get to help you along the way. My favourite way to meditate is to focus on breathing in to the count of 4, and then breathing out to the count of 5. I do this as I count back from 20, or 40 or 50. If I lose track I go back to the start.
Meditation is all about taking authority over the mind (which in my opinion is like a willful 3 year old child!) and practicing with gentleness and kindness. Some days I am really good at it, other days I am not – instead of berating myself (or giving up entirely), I simply end the practice and make a choice to try again the next day.
Change happens over time – rarely overnight. So be KIND, be PATIENT, be LOVING to yourself along the way. 

Belle’s Isagenix Body Transformation

My transformationMy Isagenix Goals:

My goal with starting Isagenix was to lose body fat around my mid-section – you can see my physical changes in the pics above. I began my body transformation in July 2015, little did I realise that it would transform my mind and my thinking as well. After being on the Isagenix clean eating program for five months at the writing of this post, I have finally found a new respect for my body and for me as a person. I am enjoying the increased energy I have, the brain clarity, and my new leaner and stronger body.

Each month brought a new self-realisation for me to acknowledge and accept myself, and what began as a quest to “lose weight”, saw me gaining self confidence, self awareness and the abiity to let go of more than just fat.

To go from a woman who would yawn her way thru the afternoon, and struggle to pull herself from the couch to cook dinner each evening, to a woman bursting with energy, waking with the sun most mornings, and having the clarity of mind to continue studying well into the evening – it is a miracle.

The Program:

Isagenix has not been a “quick fix” or a “simple solution” for me – even though the program is simple enough: drink 2 protein smoothies per day, choose high protein snacks and enjoy a 400-600 calorie meal once per day.
PLUS Cleanse the body for 24hrs one day per week to help boost metabolism and give my digestive system a rest.

The reason it wasn’t “easy” is because I have a long and committed history around negative associations with food. For me food has been a comfort, a reward, a punishment, a safety, a security and a refuge. Isagenix has helped balance my body’s hormones to a point where I rarely crave chocolate or ice cream, and if I do eat them I don’t feel very good afterwards. Eating well has become a priority to me, rather than eating really expensive and indulgent chocolate! The program has given me the nutrition to physically beat the bad habits, while I release the mental self sabotage that goes along with my eating. This takes time – and I wouldn’t say I am “fixed” yet, but I am well on the way to where I want to be.

Most people I know have trouble doing Cleanse Days and I am no exception. The idea of depriving myself of food really scared me, because I had an irrational fear that not eating for 24hrs equalled dying of starvation.  However the support from my Sponsor and the Isagenix online community helped me make it thru my first one – and the next and the next. Just knowing there are so many people on Facebook groups ready and willing to support me is amazing. It has defnitely been a part of my success. Now I look forward to Cleanse days, especially after the holiday season or a particularly big night (YES you can still indulge occaisionally whilst on the program, the beauty of it is, you won’t indulge nearly as much as you used to!).

me meditating
Are YOU ready for change this year?

This is the most important question you may be asked. The answer you give will determine if you are going to smash the program or succumb to another round of self defeating thoughts and habits.
The Isagenix program will nourish your body, detox you gently at a cellular level, improve your energy and increase mental clarity. Everyone knows your weight is governed by 80% of what you eat and 20% of how you move. The easy part is ordering your first 30 Day Nutritional Cleanse System, the harder part is allowing yourself the opportunity to really give it a go.

contact me today and get ready to see massive changes in your body and mind 

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Live Love Latch

By Clair Hogan (Clair Hogan Family Chirpractic Miranda)

Live, Love, Latch

Most of us are aware of the saying ‘Breast is best” yet we often lack the information regarding the benefits for mother and child. The World Health Organisation states breastfeeding plays an essential role in the treatment and prevention of childhood illness, and recommends breastfeeding for at least 2 years. When babies are born, their immune systems are underdeveloped. Through breast feeding, you pass your antibodies on to your baby, helping to keep your baby healthy and grow their immune system faster than bottle-fed babies. Studies show that breastfed children are sick less often, have fewer allergies, are more socially adjusted and have greater cognitive function.

However, despite wanting what is best for our child, breastfeeding is not easy and certainly doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Breastfeeding can be a physical and emotional ordeal, but being aware of the benefits and the support available can often make it easier to be patient while we acquire this new skill.

Most of the difficulties experienced with breast feeding can be resolved through correct advice and technique. It is best to seek advice on your technique from a midwife or lactation consultant or from other mothers who have successfully breastfed. It is also quite possible that difficulty may be the result of restricted upper cervical motion due to spinal misalignment or cranial bone structure commonly suffered through the birthing process. It is important to have your child checked to make sure there are no underlying cervical dysfunctions impacting your child’s natural abilities.

If breastfeeding has become an emotional ordeal and you’ve sought guidance and support then bottle feeding or formulas can be of great benefit. Be sure to consult your healthcare physician to find the ideal formula for your baby. It’s important to empower yourself with knowledge, so that you can provide the nutritional support needed to nourish their growth and development.

For more information please visit our blog http://www.chfc.com.au/all-blog-posts/breastfeeding-difficulties-199594.aspx




Do You Feel Disconnected from Those Around You?

Do you feel like you are standing on the outside,
looking in on your life?
Have you ever felt like you are numb to the
experiences you are having?
Do you feel all alone?

During our lifetime we experiences many ups and downs that make us feel disconnected at times to those around us – Is this you? In order to have a happy and peaceful life, it is necessary to feel a deep sense of connection to self and to others. Otherwise you are left feeling unsupported, and oftentimes scared and feeling lonely.

Feeling like you are facing life all on your own can be exhausting, and leave you feeling always drained of energy, or like there is no spark left in your body and mind. I have heard people describe it as like “walking through mud every day”. You KNOW you should be excited about life – you have everything you need most of the time – but something keeps holding you back.

Separation and Divorce (a bad relationship), death of a loved one, being fired or being forced to move towns/states/countries by circumstances, not living your passion and purpose, being in a job you despise can all make a person feel isolated emotionally and like no-one understands them, or could possibly know how they are feeling on the inside. Oftentimes well meaning people will encourage you to “look on the bright side”  or say “chin up, it could be worse” which is no help to you at all! In fact it makes you feel WORSE.
These thoughts and feelings are an indicator that you have some trapped negative emotions stopping you from feeling supported, loved and a vital part of this world.

How can I help you?

I can access and release hidden Heart Walls that are preventing you from emotionally connecting to others, and being able to connect with yourself. Have you heard the phrase “the heart wants what the heart wants”? This means that you are led by the Heart’s desires – but what if you cannot trust your heart because of previous life experiences of hurts and you have created a wall of protection around your heart in order to ensure you NEVER GET HURT AGAIN?

Using my Emotion Code techniques I can identify your protective heart walls and remove them forever – painlessly and easily!  You will feel more connected to those around you and more in-tune with yourself again – a very freeing feeling and putting you back in control of your life!

All of your behaviours and thoughts are controlled by your subconscious mind – when the negative emotions are removed, you will find that it is easier to make good choices and give up bad habits that have held you back.

Lose your Emotional Baggage  today by making an appointment to have your Heart Walls and Trapped Emotions released FOREVER!

 Make a booking for in-clinc or Skype consults by contacting me on the Wellness Consults page

Do we expect too much from our men in the birthing suite?

As a prenatal massage therapist of nigh on twenty years, it has been my privilege to work with thousands of women in all stages of their pregnancies. Each woman is approaching the birth of her child (whether it be her first or fourth) with the same thoughts and sometimes worries, “how is it going to go?” and “I hope my man can cope”.

Birthing has traditionally been “women’s business”. The term ‘midwife’ is actually from the Old English original word being spelled ‘wif’, meaning woman and ‘mid’ meaning ‘with’. Therefore the word actually means “to be with a woman”. To be a midwife is to be with a woman during birthing. Therefore technically men can in fact be midwives, (so it shouldn’t be so unusual to meet a male midwife!) but just because they can, does it mean they should?

In the old days women laboured at home surrounded by close family members or friends and usually an experienced midwife. Meanwhile their husband would be shuttled away to another part of the house or yard, kept at a distance whilst their baby made their way into the world. Predominantly prior to the 1930’s birthing was usually out of a hospital attended by a female midwife. Increasingly in the latter part of the eighteenth century male physicians are reported to have begun attending births for the aristocracy in America and England.

As so often happens with “progress” common sense was left by the wayside, as it was only once labouring women were given access to hospital that women began to labour alone for long periods by themselves. Interestingly whilst they laboured alone in hospital beds, they were being cared for sporadically by midwives who were overseen by a male doctor. I remember talking to my grandmother about her birthing experience back in 1946 and she left me in open-mouthed disbelief  as she recounted labouring alone on a hospital bed being told to “quiet down” as she muffled her birth noises with each contraction. Having attended a number of births myself, and gently massaging a labouring mama’s back, or whispering words of encouragement in her ear, I can only imagine the fear that my grandmother must have felt. To be alone, in pain and uncertain of the process of birth would have been more than I could have handled. There were no Dr Google searches or YouTube birthing videos to watch and prepare oneself back in the day. There was no “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” books or labouring techniques to read about. Women ventured into an unknown world of birthing with only the stories of other women to put the fear of God in their minds and hearts.

Once the pendulum began to swing the other way in the late 1960’s and 1970’s birthing with a partner in hospital started to become more common, which paved the way for a husband to begin to join in the action.

In some maternity waiting rooms lovingly referred to as “stork clubs” men have written journals of prayers (for a boy baby and the safety of their wife), emotions of anger and frustration at not knowing what was happening in the labour room, and reflections on what their life was going to be like moving forward. Men it would seem, even though they were now in the hospital, only had a foot in the door of the labour suite. Countless men feel useless and helpless in the birthing room, and feel the pressure to grin and bear the experience. Some men even go so far as ensuring they are away for work, and “can’t get back in time” due to off shore postings or last minute emergencies. For some this may just be a dreadful coincidence in bad timing, but for others it is a plausible excuse for not actually having to be in the room at all. (For more historical research see the work by J Leavett (2009) Make Room for Daddy).

Since the 1980’s when the overwhelming push (pun intended) to have men in the birthing rooms was at its peak (and subsequently became the norm), men found themselves in a pickle. Confused with here they would rather be, but because it was “expected” they feel like they almost have no choice to enter the mystery of the birthing room. Women these days expect and often demand their man to be in the room “just the two of us”, with thoughts of an intimate labour and delivery bonding the couple in birthing bliss. Delighting in the ability to enjoy back massages and diffused oils whilst gently swaying in a contraction-motivated movement to a carefully selected blend of the woman’s favourite music on their iPod.

In reality, unless the man is genuinely desiring to be in the birthing room, has a genuine interest and has read a lot about birth, attended a Calm Birth or Hypnobirthing class, he is probably ill-equipped for the noise, the blood and the intensity of emotion that is part and parcel of a birthing experience. A man who cannot appreciate the feminine power of a labouring woman, is probably not equipped for what he is walking into.

Many labouring women move from calm and well-mannered to a demanding ego maniac in the blink of an eye. “Get me ice”, “Massage here! Not there!” and even the most feminine and gentle of woman can be heard shouting expletives at her man just because he “got me into this situation!” Hormonal surges, increasing contractions, perceived bitchy midwives, doctors that are running late, “non-one is listening to me”, anaesthetists that don’t know how to move quickly and drugs that “don’t even work”, are all reasons why a mild mannered labouring woman will suddenly grow devil horns and get very very angry. For a man, it can be hard to see his partner in this state, when the natural urge he has is to “fix it” with suggestions that to the woman are “just ridiculous” and “unhelpful”.

This is why I ask the question “do we expect too much of our men in the birthing suite?”

The role of a woman is to harness her feminine power and to naturally move with the ebbs and flows of her body’s unique rhythm. She will express delight and annoyance, as powerfully as she needs to in order to ride the timed wave of contraction after contraction.

The role of her supporters, midwife or doula is to gently respond, move,  remain calm and to offer grace in all the emotions she will no doubt experience as her body and spirit unite to birth this baby. Without this firm circle of supporters, a birthing woman can experience fear in all its forms, which is known to increase pain sensations, induce panic, reduce blood flow to baby and cause all manner of complications that upset the natural rhythm. Traditionally it has been easier for a woman to be attended by women who embrace their feminine energy and offer grace to one of their own.

A man in the birthing room is required to embody his masculine energy. He needs to stand at the door and take a breath in, knowing he cannot make the woman’s experience anything different from what it will be: a masterpiece of life showing the awe and wonder and power in one birthing woman. For a man to want to witness this, I commend him. But for a man wanting to “change” something, whether it is to medicate and remove the pain from contractions, or to oppose experienced medical advice, or to dictate to the woman “what she needs” I would beg to argue. In my opinion a man is required to stand still and breathe as the woman dances around him in her mysteriously feminine ways. He is to guide her as she wails against the deepening contractions and to hold firm when she declares she has nothing left. He is to be her sounding board and her rock, her safe space to cry and her sure place to rest.

So how does he do that?

By resisting the urge to “fix her pain” or to take away her suffering, and to watch in awe as she navigates this rite of passage into motherhood. Sure he can hold her while she is racked with another wave of intensity, and he can feel her shake uncontrollably as she lets her body move with the force of nature doing her thing. But he is not to get angry, impatient or demanding, nor fight against nature in her full power, but to remain calm and supportive throughout.

Can a man be expected to resist his (un) natural state, and embrace his masculine power in equal measure to his woman’s feminine display? I would ask the same of a woman – can she be expected to resist her (un) natural urge to “get rid of this pain!” or to “go home” and to embrace the flow of energy moving through her body bringing her baby into the world?

Only with wisdom from experienced birthing support people such as doulas or midwives or friends, or family who know the true value of stepping into their own power. Through reading birthing wisdom and practice of meditation and stillness, through quiet reflection on what it means to birth a child, from listening to stories, from watching others, and from an open hearted attitude to the experience of birth as a rite of passage rather than something needing to be endured and forgotten.

Can a man be in the birthing room? Of course.

But the real question is does he want to be, and can he allow himself to become his masculine form as his woman becomes her exquisite feminine expression?







Do we expect too much from our men in the birthing suite?

As a prenatal massage therapist of nigh on twenty years, it has been my privilege to work with thousands of women in all stages of their pregnancies. Each woman is approaching the birth of her child (whether it be her first or fourth) with the same thoughts and sometimes worries, “how is it going to go?” and “I hope my man can cope”.

Birthing has traditionally been “women’s business”. The term ‘midwife’ is actually from the Old English original word being spelled ‘wif’, meaning woman and ‘mid’ meaning ‘with’. Therefore the word actually means “to be with a woman”. To be a midwife is to be with a woman during birthing. Therefore technically men can in fact be midwives, (so it shouldn’t be so unusual to meet a male midwife!) but just because they can, does it mean they should?

In the old days women laboured at home surrounded by close family members or friends and usually an experienced midwife. Meanwhile their husband would be shuttled away to another part of the house or yard, kept at a distance whilst their baby made their way into the world. Predominantly prior to the 1930’s birthing was usually out of a hospital attended by a female midwife. Increasingly in the latter part of the eighteenth century male physicians are reported to have begun attending births for the aristocracy in America and England.

As so often happens with “progress” common sense was left by the wayside, as it was only once labouring women were given access to hospital that women began to labour alone for long periods by themselves. Interestingly whilst they laboured alone in hospital beds, they were being cared for sporadically by midwives who were overseen by a male doctor. I remember talking to my grandmother about her birthing experience back in 1946 and she left me in open-mouthed disbelief  as she recounted labouring alone on a hospital bed being told to “quiet down” as she muffled her birth noises with each contraction. Having attended a number of births myself, and gently massaging a labouring mama’s back, or whispering words of encouragement in her ear, I can only imagine the fear that my grandmother must have felt. To be alone, in pain and uncertain of the process of birth would have been more than I could have handled. There were no Dr Google searches or YouTube birthing videos to watch and prepare oneself back in the day. There was no “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” books or labouring techniques to read about. Women ventured into an unknown world of birthing with only the stories of other women to put the fear of God in their minds and hearts.

Once the pendulum began to swing the other way in the late 1960’s and 1970’s birthing with a partner in hospital started to become more common, which paved the way for a husband to begin to join in the action.

In some maternity waiting rooms lovingly referred to as “stork clubs” men have written journals of prayers (for a boy baby and the safety of their wife), emotions of anger and frustration at not knowing what was happening in the labour room, and reflections on what their life was going to be like moving forward. Men it would seem, even though they were now in the hospital, only had a foot in the door of the labour suite. Countless men feel useless and helpless in the birthing room, and just the pressure to grin and bear the experience. Some men even go so far as ensuring they are away for work, and “can’t get back in time” due to off shore postings or last minute emergencies. And for some this may just be a dreadful coincidence in bad timing, but for others it is a plausible excuse for not actually having to be in the room at all. (For more historical research see the work by J Leavett (2009) Make Room for Daddy).

Since the 1980’s when the overwhelming push to have men in the birthing rooms was at its peak (and subsequently became the norm), men found themselves in a pickle where they wanted to be there, but would prefer not to, but because it was “expected” they feel like they almost have no choice. Women these days expect and often demand their man to be in the room “just the two of us”, with thoughts of an intimate labour and delivery bonding the couple in birthing bliss. Delighting in the ability to enjoy back massages and diffused oils whilst gently swaying in a contraction-motivated movement to a carefully selected blend of the woman’s favourite music on their iPod.

In reality, unless the man is genuinely desiring to be in the birthing room, has a genuine interest and has read a lot about birth, attended a Calm Birth or Hypnobirthing class, he is probably ill-equipped for the noise, the blood and the intensity of emotion that is part and parcel of a birthing experience. A man who cannot appreciate the feminine power of a labouring woman, is probably not equipped for what he is walking into.

Many labouring women move from calm and well-mannered to a demanding ego maniac in the blink of an eye. “Get me ice”, “Massage here! Not there!” and even the most feminine and gentle of woman can be heard shouting expletives at her man just because he “got me into this situation!” Hormonal surges, increasing contractions, perceived bitchy midwives, doctors that are running late, “non-one is listening to me”, anaesthetists that don’t know how to move quickly and drugs that “don’t even work”, are all reasons why a mild mannered labouring woman will suddenly grow devil horns and get very very angry. For a man, it can be hard to see his partner in this state, when the natural urge he has is to “fix it”.

This is why I ask the question “do we expect too much of our men in the birthing suite?”

The role of a woman is to harness her feminine power and to naturally move with the ebbs and flows of her body’s unique rhythm. She will express delight and annoyance, as powerfully as she needs to in order to ride the timed wave of contraction after contraction.

The role of her supporters and midwife or doula is to gently respond, move,  remain calm and to offer grace in all the emotions she will no doubt experience as her body and spirit unite to birth this baby. Without this firm circle of supporters, a birthing woman can experience fear in all its forms, which is known to increase pain sensations, induce panic, reduce blood flow to baby and cause all manner of complications that upset the natural rhythm. Traditionally it has been easier for a woman to be attended by women who embrace their feminine energy and offer grace to one of their own.

A man in the birthing room is required to embody his masculine energy. He needs to stand at the door and take a breath in, knowing he cannot make the woman’s experience anything different from what it will be: a masterpiece of life showing the awe and wonder and power in one birthing woman. For a man to want to witness this, I commend him. But for a man wanting to “change” something, whether it is to medicate and remove the pain from contractions, or to oppose experienced medical advice, or to dictate to the woman “what she needs” I would beg to argue. In my opinion a man is required to stand still and breathe as the woman dances around him in her mysteriously feminine ways. He is to guide her as she wails against the deepening contractions and to hold firm when she declares she has nothing left. He is to be her sounding board and her rock, her safe space to cry and her sure place to rest.

So how does he do that?

By resisting the urge to “fix her pain” or to take away her suffering, and to watch in awe as she navigates this rite of passage into motherhood. Sure he can hold her while she is racked with another wave of intensity, and he can feel her shake uncontrollably as she lets her body move with the force of nature doing her thing. But he is not to get angry, impatient or demanding, nor fight against nature in her full power, but to remain calm and supportive throughout.

Can a man be expected to resist his (un) natural state, and embrace his masculine power in equal measure to his woman’s feminine display? I would ask the same of a woman – can she be expected to resist her (un) natural urge to “get rid of this pain!” or to “go home” and to embrace the flow of energy moving through her body bringing her baby into the world?

Only with wisdom from experienced birthing support people such as doulas or midwives or friends, or family who know the true value of stepping into their own power. Through reading birthing wisdom and practice of meditation and stillness, through quiet reflection on what it means to birth a child, from listening to stories, from watching others, and from an open hearted attitude to the experience of birth as a rite of passage rather than something needing to be endured and forgotten.

Can a man be in the birthing room? Of course. But the real question is does he want to be, and can he allow himself to become his masculine form as his woman becomes her exquisite feminine expression?







Soldier On This Winter?

When you have a cold or flu (a real flu where you have aches and pains and fever, and you have trouble lifting yourself out of bed) – what is the best way to treat this?:

A) soldier on, and take cold and flu “medicine” and go to work.
drink a glass of Harden Up and go to work.
C) call in sick to work, take 1 drop of  *On Guard* essential oil by doTerra in a shot glass of water, have a warm shower, eat small nutrient rich meals like Chicken soup, cover yourself in a doona and retreat to the bed or lounge for a couple days to allow yourself rest and recuperation, and don’t feel “bad” that you aren’t at work doing something “really” important (whilst you expose others to your germs).

If you chose (c) then not only would you be putting yourself FIRST, but you would be honouring those around you by keeping them away from your germs.

In my opinion, the trouble with the Codral “soldier on” campaign is that it is asking people to reject the warning signs their body is showing, and to keep on living as if your body is healthy and well. I admit it – I have taken Codral cold and flu over the course of my adult life. And sometimes I have felt relieved that my symptoms have abated for a few hours. Usually, if I am really unwell, I will be watching the clock 3.5hrs after the first dose, ready with glass of water in hand to down the next dose. Some days I have known that I just “have to” keep going.

But what about the days when I know I can actually call in sick – or I know that it is better for me to cancel clients so I can protect them from my germs? I don’t take any cold & flu tablets on these days, and I try to look after my body the way nature intended.

For many people they haven’t learned natural health care, nor do they know how to read the signs of the body, so this blog is a small introduction to that.

Health Care vs Sick Care?medicine is not care

Dr Bradley Nelson – the creator of The Emotion Code and The Body Code (of which I am certified and currently undergoing certification, respectively) talks about how the American (and obviously Australia is following) Health Care system is actually based in “symptom chasing” rather than “making well”.

For example: “Katie goes to her doctor about a persistent cough she has had for 4 weeks now. Her doctor says “Take some Amoxicillan (penicillan) that should help you.” As a result, the cough goes, however she develops thrush which is a known side effect of antibiotics. So she goes back to her doctor and he/she says “Take some Diflucan. That should help you.” So she gets rid of the thrush symptoms, but now has depression, as thrush infections can often cause low grade depression and do can Diflucan treatment. So her doctor says “Take some Anti-depressents. That should help with your low mood.” So she starts to feel more like her herself, except her blood pressure rises, which is a known side effect of some anti-depressants. So her doctor says “Take some blood pressure medication. That should help you.” So Katie now has her blood pressure under control. However she has developed a persistent cough, which is a side effect of her blood pressure medication”. So her doctor says “Here, take some penicillin. That should help you”……. and around the cycle goes.”

You see, the doctors are chasing the symptoms, and yes the medicines are working on fixing he symptoms, but sometimes they create more symptoms. Rather than boosting the immune system and helping the person get well, increase vitality and energy and ultimately help them feel better, they can cause all manner of other symptoms that the untrained/uneducated person will not know how to put 2 + 2 together and come up with “Hang on a minute! This isn’t Health Care – this is SICK CARE!”

I believe it is imperative that lay people (that is – YOU and ME) begin to learn how to take control of their health by learning simple methods to “check in” with their body and see how they are doing. Meditation is a good place to start, but so often it is considered “too hard” and so people often won’t continue to try. So what else can you do if you want to start learning how to read your body’s signs that there may be disharmony or imbalance in your body?

Give yourself a little Health Quiz and Check In with yourself:

1. You can note how you are sleeping. Are you getting less than 7 hours sleep each night? Do you constantly yawn and find it hard to get going without a coffee? Do you remember your dreams? Do you have nightmares? Do you wake after 10 hours sleep and still feel tired? Do you fall asleep easy but wake at the same approximate time each night? o you have insomnia? Do you have sleep apnoea?  All the answers to these questions give you an indication of what is going on for you.

2. Do you eat a balanced diet? By balances I do not meal 3 squares and then some cheeky “treats” that you won’t mention to me if I asked you. But by balanced I mean do you eat carbs and proteins and veggies and fruits and have a wide selection from each food group? Do you pick all day long? Do you crash around 3-4pm and binge on sweet things to make it through to “home time”? Do you drink your calories with flavoured drinks and milks and soft drinks? Do you eat late at night in front of the telly? Do you skip breakfast? Do you drink water? (or do you not like the taste of it?)

3. Do you have random aches and pains in your knees? Shoulders? Neck? Hips? Do you have chronic lower back pain that was once from a disc injury that never really got better? Are you always complaining about something hurting?

4. Do you have a vast medicine cabinet?

5. Do you have low energy and nothing seems to make it better? Do you drink lots of coffee? Energy drinks? Chocolate?

6. Are you overweight and if someone asked you about it, you would say “I just can’t seem to lose weight” ? Do you feel like your body doesn’t actually represent the way you feel about yourself?

7. Do you suffer from regular colds, runny nose, random cough, catch everything the kids have? Do you always get headaches or PMS, or bad menstrual cramps?

8. Do you exercise regularly? Do you get enough sex that you want/need or is your sex drive low and you could care less?

9. Do you enjoy doing things on your own? Do you indulge yourself in hobbies or recreations that you always wanted to do?

10. Do you drink more than 3 times per week or take the odd spliff or other recreational drugs? (no judgement, just a question. God knows I recreationally assaulted my body with more sugar than is necessary for years – but that is the topic of another blog).

GO ON, go back and honestly answer the questions above and start to put together a story about how your life / body actually IS. Not how you want it to be, but how it is today. From there you will be armed with areas you want to change and improve, or seek help and guidance from people who know more than you. But how do you know who to ask or what to work on if you never take a moment to actually put pen to paper and write it down. When you can actually look at yourself on paper (rather than all up in your head) you will be able to see things more clearly.

WHY is a real “sickie” not taken, but we “chuck sickies” when we aren’t sick when we really need to?

In this day and age people tend to put others first and leave themselves last. This means when we “soldier on” through a heavy cold or flu we are actually draining our body’s reserves of vital energy needed for healing. WHY do we do this?

Change begins with YOU. And ME. This winter, if you feel crappy, listen to your body and take yourself to bed/lounge when you have to. If you have kids this is hard to do. But a couple days letting the kids watch telly and make mess is better than keeping on going doing your usual routine out of feeling like you “have to”.
Be courageous this winter, and take a stand – FOR YOURSELF – and see how you feel.

After answering these questions you many have many more you want to ask!

If you feel you would benefit from a FREE 15min Wellness chat to see how we can help you with the
Emotion Code technique then email belle@thebelleflowersclinic.com.au to schedule a Skype chat or appointment in the clinic. Break free from the constant merry-go-round of sick care and take back control of your life.

How to use *On Guard*: 1 drop daily in water to boost immune system. Gargle 1 drop in water at first sign of throat pain. Rub on soles of feet daily to boost immune system (dilute for kids).
Available in Clinic for $55 (approx 250 drops).

Hormones during labour

Hormones during labour – what, why, how do i get more?

Oxytocin is often known as the “hormone of love” because it is involved with lovemaking, fertility, contractions during labor and birth, and the release of milk in breastfeeding.

Oxytocin stimulates powerful contractions, which help to thin and open (dilate) the cervix, move the baby down and out of the birth canal, expel the placenta, and limit bleeding at the site of the placenta. During labor and birth, the pressure of the baby against the cervix, and then against tissues in the pelvic floor, stimulates oxytocin and contractions. 

You can promote your body’s production of oxytocin during labour and birth by:

* staying calm, comfortable, and confident
* avoiding disturbances, such as unwelcome people or noise and uncomfortable procedures
* staying upright and using gravity to apply your baby against your cervix and then, as the baby is born, against the tissues of your pelvic floor
* engaging in nipple or clitoral stimulation activities before birth and giving your baby a chance to suckle shortly after birth
* avoiding epidural analgesia.

In response to stress and pain, your body produces calming and pain-relieving hormones known as endorphins. The level of this natural opiate substance may rise toward the end of pregnancy.  High endorphin levels during labor and birth can produce an altered state of consciousness that can help you flow with the process, even if it is long and challenging.

You can enhance your body’s production of endorphins during labour and birth by:

* staying calm, comfortable, and confident
* avoiding disturbances, such as unwelcome people or noise and uncomfortable procedures
* delaying or avoiding epidural or opioids as a pain relief method.

Adrenaline is the “fight or flight” hormone that humans produce to help ensure survival. Women who feel threatened during labor (for example by fear or severe pain) may produce high levels of adrenaline. Adrenaline can slow labor or stop it altogether. Earlier in human evolution, this disruption helped birthing women move to a place of greater safety. 

You can keep adrenaline down during labour and birth by:

* staying calm, comfortable, and relaxed
* being informed and prepared
* having trust and confidence in your body and your capabilities as a birthing woman
* having trust and confidence in your caregivers and birth setting
* being in a calm, peaceful, and private environment and avoiding conflict
* being with people who can provide comfort measures, good information, positive words, and other support
* avoiding intrusive, painful, disruptive procedures.