Soul Alchemy: unlock your inner compass

– Soul Alchemy begins 12 February 2024

Embark on a 90-day transformative journey guiding you towards a more empowered, grounded, and purposeful existence.

Are you ready to unveil what has been holding you back, and start living with a deep sense of self-trust and authenticity?

a journey to re-connect with your highest self

Go from feeling exhausted all the time, and never having enough time, to carving out just the right amount of space for you to fill your own cup AND tend to those who need you the most.

But first, let’s make sure you are in the right place

Are you a woman who:

  • feels tired and overwhelmed
  • is scattered or a bit “busy” in her thoughts
  • feeling like you have lost your purpose (but know its right under the surface!)
  • is searching for deeper meaning
  • deeply desires to connect more deeply with your inner wisdom
  • has a spiritual practice but are seeking a mentor and guide
  • has a desire to powerfully manifest your future
  • tends to be a lone wolf (but always thrives with strong feminine connections)
  • is independent and strong and has always been resilient

Then you are in the RIGHT PLACE. This is for a woman just like you.
This journey is not an introduction to a spiritual practice, because you already have one. This is about expansion and enhancing your success and life satisfaction with a deeper connection to your true self – your higher self.

As a result of your inner work, you will be liberated from the weight of exhaustion and the feeling of living a life that may seem, at times, incomplete. It will bring you closer to your most pure alignment with all that you are and with Source.

This isnt another “coaching” program that will give you a few tips and tricks and not deliver on promises. This is a spiritual journey that you will lead yourself through, in perfect timing and in a perfect way. How? Through the tools and practices you will be offered, your Higher Self will lead you – so you KNOW that this is a journey of pure alignment.

Soul Alchemy

This is one of the most powerful programs Belle has ever channelled and brought to life. This is a 90-day program that combines her deepest and most transformative healing techniques, including her just launched “Soul Mapping” technique.

Experience Inner Child healing, Shadow work, emotion release, trigger release, and learn how to actively nurture and heal the parts of you that are repeating patterns and cycles that never lead to where you want to be!

With Soul Alchemy in just 90 days you will:

  • recognise which parts of you are needing support and how to nurture them
  • re-connect with your Inner Child to bring peace to your body and mind
  • develop incredible inner confidence & trust
  • create a disciplined spiritual practice
  • identify energy leakage and know how to stop it
  • connect to your feminine archetypes so you step into your unlimited power
  • muscle-test for embodied wisdom use somatic movement to release and ground

Through soulful practices and intuitive insights, we carve a path toward genuine happiness and fulfillment.

The Soul Alchemy program is an invitation to rediscover the missing piece, as we align your journey with the whispers of your soul’s wisdom.

Who is this for?

Any woman who needs a guide, and a support system, but also wants to do their work alone. (The Lone Wolf meets the Sisterhood).

Any woman who has found that there are incomplete parts of her spiritual journey and wants the answers (The Seeker meets the Mystic).

Any woman who is READY to go to the next level of inner expansion.

About your guide: Belle
My expertise is in guiding women back home to self. I have many years of teaching meditation, somatic movement and understanding trapped emotions to share with you. I am also a passionate biochemistry nerd, and I will share my understanding of neuroscience and the power of boosting our happy hormones, to align more fully with our highest self. I will work with you from a spiritual perspective and also with the understanding that you are a human being, first and foremost. That means you need to be firmly planted and grounded in this present reality. I will teach you how to ground yourself in a meaningful way. I will also teach you how to connect to all that is. You will learn how to use the language of the body as your primary feedback system. You will also learn how to trust your gut.

This 90-day immersion will be your launching place into a transformative journey toward profound self-discovery, where the sacred alchemy of spiritual healing unfolds, guiding you to a deeper connection with your higher self.

Are you keen to know more?

Book a Discovery call with Belle by clicking the button

Soul fragments: how to put yourself back together

Feeling numb, disconnected, exhausted, apathetic, resentful? Perhaps life is feeling like it is too hard, and like it is always an uphill battle? 

When you are disconnected from your soul, in two or many pieces, it can feel like the life you knew or always thought you would have is never going to eventuate.

Some refer to this as a dark night of the soul, but it is a deeper and more intense experience than this. When the soul begins to fragment, you are as a greater risk of losing yourself altogether and it is a long journey home to retrieve all these parts you have lost. 

In traditional counseling/ psychology terms, we would call it an existential crisis whereby a person may be catapulted into questioning “why am I here” or “what is this all for?” out of a response to a significant life change (such as divorce, death of a partner, loss of a job, global pandemic). However, it goes deeper than a mere “mid-life crisis” or a questioning, when the soul has fragmented. It goes to a place of questioning (at least unconsciously) “why do I exist?” or even “do I exist?”

The degree to what one will experience when one’s soul has fragmented is determined in part by the degree to how much has indeed fragmented or split. But also, it will depend on which parts have split from the whole and how much this will cause turmoil or angst in the person experiencing it. 

How does a soul fragment?

Pain, trauma, neglect, abuse, arguments, ungroundedness, mental health issues, ADHD, constant anxiety, phobias, history of depression – can all influence the degree to which a person will experience soul fragmentation. A pattern of coping will always be the first sign that soul fragmentation has begun: drinking, drugs, and risky behaviour (the usual suspects in younger years). One-off situations can cause soul fragmentation, however, it is more likely that it will be repeated behaviours that lead to the most destruction. This is why it is so hard to get off the merry-go-round once it has gained momentum. 

These poor choices may extend into unstable employment, possibly lead to crime, or at the very least, making very poor choices that result in consequences that are difficult to move through, let alone past. 

Then what happens is you forever need to re-face the shame, and guilt associated with poor choices that were resultant from the depth of pain, despair, anger, frustration, guilt you were feeling back then, in that moment that you made poor choices to begin with. 

The cycle is vicious and never-ending and will inevitably lead to more parts of yourself splitting and detaching from the whole of who you are. 

The whole is made up of the sum of its parts

In order to understand the “whole,” let me explain who you are. You are an energetic being that is having an experience in this body, in this world, in this lifetime. You are a celestial accident with odds at 1 in 102,685,000 that you exist. However, here you are! 

We experience Deja Vu (when you feel like you’ve been somewhere before), you shiver (did someone really walk all over your grave?), you have inherent skills that you’re good at without any training (I was always good at massage therapy, right from when I was young – with no idea why I “knew” how to treat pain, I just “knew”). Some of you are inherently intuitive. You know things. And coincidences always happen to you. Some of you have such bad luck all the time. Like it follows you around. And some have felt extremely blessed like everything they touch turns to gold (I once worked with a client who told me he’d fucked a fairy. He was a multi-millionaire.)

I have worked with hundreds of clients and taken them through past life regressions or seen their past lives through their healing sessions. I “know” there is more than one life we get to live – because I have seen it and heard people re-telling their stories with passion, emotion, and great detail (to which they are super surprised – it blows their minds!) 

And this is how I know that we have many parts of our souls that make up the whole of who we are. 

The fragmenting

We come into this life with unfinished business  – or unresolved energy – from another lifetime. Sometimes that lifetime is on this earth, and sometimes it isn’t. I believe some of the inherent skills are not accumulated in this earthly place. These skills are from another dimension. The more negative aspects – the ‘bad karma’, the unlucky, the poor circumstances, the destruction, the pain – I believe this is unresolved energy from another earthly lifetime. And these energies can cause a lot of pain in this lifetime and ultimately be a vehicle to learn many lessons if you want to. 

When a person begins to fragment parts of their soul, it is due to an unacceptance of the energy they hold and what lessons need to be learned to resolve it. It is usually painful to resolve the energy. And this is why we resort to alcohol, sex, drugs, risky behaviour, and choosing the wrong partners – it is all part of the drama that keeps you distracted from the soul pain you are feeling in the first place. It is impossible to resolve soul energy when you are distracted in the earthly ‘pleasures’ (or pains). 

The further you go into the pain of this lifetime, the harder it becomes to turn things around because you have begun to split from the initial “whole” you entered this world as. It then becomes a quest or a soul journey to find your way back to all of who you are. Not leaving any part behind – even the parts you wish weren’t there. This is the hardest part – complete self-acceptance. 

The Parts

The parts of you make up are all who you are. And to wish some of them didn’t exist, or to banish those parts and pretend they don’t exist is the ultimate disservice and self-hatred. A large part of the healing journey will require that you accept all those parts of you – even the ones you are ashamed of – and to welcome them back with loving arms. This can take years or a lifetime. Or never. It will ultimately determine your happiness or contentment. This explains why some people can have everything you could imagine but still be depressed and deeply unhappy. 

Some parts will be easy to accept – like your generous heart, ability to make people feel comfortable, solution-focused mind, and inherent ability to see the good in people. But other parts, such as your emotional reactivity, your anger towards your parents, your judgments, your proclivities, your fantasies, your biases, will be less palatable to accept.

You will make unconscious choices from these less-palatable parts. You will do things or say things that you are not proud of. If you keep doing them, you will experience the consequences. And it often doesn’t feel good. This feeling of shame or regret will then propel you to keep making bad choices or say things that arent in alignment with your highest good and purpose. And so you fall further short of where you “think” you should be. 

Its a slippery slope. 

So how do you stop sliding and come back to alignment? (please read on, but promise me you will have patience for yourself in this!)

How to come back home to yourself

The first step is that you are aware that you are sliding, or on the roller coaster of doom. YOU have to notice that life isn’t turning out how you expected it to. Or the way you think it “should”. From here, you can notice what your unconscious expectations have always been. Counselors will often get you into your childhood because we can uncover the schemas you are measuring and living your life by. It’s an interesting journey to mentally re-investigate. However, it is only half the story. 

You have to begin soul-retrieval practices that call those parts of you home that have fragmented and left the safety and sanctity of the whole of all that you are. 

This process can take months, years or even a lifetime.  And it is not for the faint-hearted. There will be pain. It is inevitable, however, most humans are averse to pain and try to avoid it at all costs (remember the alcohol, drugs, and risky behaviours!)

I suggest that when you are ready to begin the process of soul retrieval, you connect with a healer to help support you on the journey. Give yourself some time – usually 12 weeks is a good amount of time to begin with – that you will allow your focus to be on this one particular area of your spiritual journey. Invest in a journal. Dedicate time each day for spiritual practice. And always finish your day by calling back your soul fragments before you go to sleep. 

How you do this, and what you do is entirely up to you. Your Soul already knows what you need in order to recover your Parts, but your mind may want a particular routine or structure to follow. 

Gratitude Journalling

A deeper practice of soul retrieval can come through daily gratitude journalling. This is a well-researched practice, that has been proven to improve mood stability, a sense of greater meaning and purpose. This gentle act of self love every day can help you to improve your ability to focus on that which is important to you, and that which brings you joy. The more you train your conscious mind to focus on the good things, the more you will notice the good things (no matter how small they may be).
Belle has created a Gratitude Journal that coaches you through the process over a period of weeks or months.

The Practice:

Upon waking:
“I call in all parts of me that have fragmented and not returned home after my sleep” 

Within 1hr of waking:
Journal about what your goals for the day are (spend 5mins) 

Within 1hr of sleeping:
practice gentle breathwork and yin yoga to prepare the body for sleep (10-30mins) 
Spend a few moments contemplating what you are grateful for on this day

As you close your eyes:
“I now call all parts of me that have fragmented and ask that they return to the unity of all that I am. May all parts of me be held by my higher consciousness as I return to myself.”

Need more help?

To get started, simply book a healing session and together you will create a plan that your soul can settle into and find comfort within. Including bespoke meditations, yoga and breathwork practices.

Cultivate a daily gratitude practice for a meaningful life

Research is pretty clear in that the practice of gratitude is a tool that *needs* to be in your toolbox if you want to live a more meaningful and joyous life.
Taking a moment each day (let’s say 5 mins), can be the difference between a life that feels hard and a life that feels happier.
As a wellness coach, I encourage my clients to keep a journal at the start of our coaching relationship, as writing down what you are feeling and experiencing in the day can help ease stress and overwhelm.
Let me ask you this – have you ever known someone not to benefit from a period of journalling and reflection?

As I write this, I think about some of the greatest writers in history, such as Henry David Thoreau, who spent a period of time in the wilderness with nothing but a journal for company and the wind in the trees. He ended up writing some pretty epic words and has influenced the hearts and minds of people worldwide for over a century now.

You might be struggling with a decision to make, or maybe you are living with a chronic illness. Perhaps you are feeling bored in your current life?
Journalling could help you to make sense of your life, your thoughts, feelings and emotions that encompass your current experience.

Here’s how to get started:

get your gratitude journal here

Dedicate the same time frame each day for writing. I suggest 5mins-10mins at first. Set a timer and start writing about your day. Who did you see? What did you do? What frustrated you? What made you sad?

Make a promise to yourself to stick to this every day for seven days. After that time, you will know if this kind of self-care is right for you. You might even learn a few things about yourself along the way that you want to journal about. (For example – you might want to write poetry or songs. You might want to write a letter of apology to someone. Or you might want to write a forgiveness letter to yourself?)

Each day, as you write, you might get stuck on what to fill your time limit with. So if you still have time left over after covering the basics, maybe you could write down a goal you had when you were young. What did you hope to do one day? Who did you hope to become?

Still stuck? Try writing a message to your 18yr old younger self. What advice about life would you give them? (This will be illuminating, so take your time with this one!)

Take a step into the unknown:

I have created a beautiful Gratitude journal with some goal-setting and prompts that will help you set the tone for your journalling journey. If you’ve never journalling before, this is a perfect place to start. I have even included some mandalas to colour which can help ease writer’s block and get your creative juices flowing.
Many women fall into the trap of being scared of going deep, because you’re afraid of what you will find. I can assure you that all there is to discover within you is beautiful, magickal, extraordinary and valuable. I have never known a woman to regret working into the shadows, or stepping into her power.

And you can do this too!

Wise women know how to become their own coach and go after what they want. They also know when they need a little guidance along the way.

This journal preps your mind and your spirit for the journey of going bravely forth in the direction of your soul by offering daily reminders to notice what brings you joy.

By finding gratitude in daily life, you begin to re-program your mind to search for more things to be grateful for. And then the laws of the universe conspire to bring you more – more than you ever thought possible.

But before you embark on this journey be sure to get clear on what you are wanting. What goals do you have for yourself?
Create 3 s.m.a.r.t goals and then embark on your sixty day AM and PM gratitude journey. Then at the end of your sixty days take some time to reflect on how far you have come.

This journal makes a thoughtful gift for the person in your life who deserves the best! (and that also means you too!)

Purchase this beautiful journal here:



Essential Oils as wellness tools

essential oils for wellness

“Wellness” refers to being in optimal physical and mental health. Essential oils are one of the easiest ways you can support yourself to better wellness.

Are you addressing both aspects…or only one? (or none). Taking full personal responsibility for your wellness is like “future-proofing” in a small way (remember, accidents happen, and sometimes there is something rumbling under the surface that you dont know about. And also, the mental game is very influential on our physical health). So it is important to be using tools and lifestyle behaviors that support good health, and encourage releasing of negative thought patterns and behaviors that may influence your health and well-being.

I get asked a lot about the five questions below so I thought I would share my answers in order to inspire you to try your own blends or combinations that might support your own wellness journey.

neroli supports the throat chakra


Which essential oils do you use for reducing stress?

Lavender peace – this is very strong for my senses, and will use it sparingly in the diffuser (1-2 drops max. I find it helps me go to sleep so I use it late at night. But with strong anti-anxiety properties, I find this is very helpful in stopping a racing mind.

Aromatouch – this is an excellent blend for massage as it helps soothe sore muscles. I have been using it for years as a muscle rub after a shower. It is calming and soothing without being a “lavender” smell. Magnolia. It starts and ends for me with this oil. It is my all time favourite and has been in my pocket since it very first arrived on the market. It contains very high amounts of linalool

Which essential oils do you use for uncovering shadow parts?

Neroli – it helps with “communication” therefore it is a throat chakra support, which helps to increase internal dialogue. Many people believe they have trouble “speaking their truth”, well let me tell you that this oil can help you overcome this!

Which essential oils do you use to reduce inflammation?

Copaiba rolled down my spine every morning while my tea is steeping! I make tea every morning, and while I wait I simply roll this oil down my spine. Inflammation is a key cause of disease in the body. So this is my personal ‘war on inflammation’ I do it without even thinking about it. Copaiba helps to reduce pain over time because inflammatory cytokines get reduced.

How can I improve my sleep?

Cedarwood in my Epsom salt bath with lavender are a MUST.
2 cups Epsom salts, and 4-5 drops of cedarwood is my go-to when I need to ground myself and release the week. My human design is “Manifestor” which means I go hard, and then I need to become a hermit for a while. I need to tap out and just relax and be with myself. Something I struggled with for a very long time. And now I embrace my limitations and happily retire to a bath for an hour of bliss. It helps me to go to bed relaxed in body and mind. I will also use Aromatouch if my muscles are noticeably sore.

What do you suggest for better digestion?

I am in love with the ZenGest blend rubbed on my tummy. It is a new recipe blend and smells incredible. Cardamon and peppermint are my go-to oils for cooking and enhancing flavours – and would you believe also help digestion? I use this at the first sign of a tummy ache, or if I know that I am about to eat a heavy meal at a party, then I will use it before I eat. My youngest will often get a sore tummy, so she uses it too.

cedarwood is a grounding and calming oil

We have a plethora of oils at our finger tips, which when used wisely, can help to move you towards more awareness, openness and care for your entire being.

Over the years of practicing yoga and “trying” to make better food and lifestyle choices, I have learned that illness, chronic conditions, and accidents happen. However, we have a tool at our finger tips that is going to support us to move in a better health direction.

If you are wanting to kickstart an area of your health, the pure intention of using an oil to support this is a fabulous start.

Want to lose weight? Use Motivate oil blend every morning when you do your morning movement.

Keen to be less frantic? Use Magnolia every day and keep it with you during every single frantic moment to help interrupt your habit of freaking out.

Needing to listen more and speak less? Use frankincense to slow your roll and help you to be more grounded.

Ask me for suggestions if you are stuck, but also lean into the oils you really love the smell of – they are no doubt the right ones for you to use in this season of change and growth.

Belle xx

30sec cold shower for better health

Fancy exposing yourself to a 30sec cold shower each morning instead of running the risk of getting a cold or flu? Well, if research is anything to go by, you could be experiencing better health in as little as thirty days.

Cold water therapy is a bit of a buzz concept now – especially with Wim hof and his team of fanatics leading the way! I’m one of those Crazy Ice Bath People, and I’m proud to say that I can speak not only of the theory of cold water plunges but also of personal experience too.

I took my first cold water dip in the icy waters of Thredbo, NSW in June 2021 with a group of eager participants wanting to reach beyond their comfort zone. We were under the careful instruction and training of Leah Scott, a qualified Wim Hof Method teacher in the Snowy Mountains. Her retreats are not for the faint-hearted and will change your life. (Trust me, it changed mine!)

After that retreat, I then went on to do 90 days of cold water immersion – whether it was a 4min cold shower every day, an ice bath, a river plunge in the national park near my home, or my parent’s pool. After 90 days I stopped counting, it had become part of my daily life and it helped me to overcome some serious mental health challenges from 2 lockdowns and a devastating divorce.

I was determined to understand how this 5-10min daily plunge could have affected me so profoundly so I began doing some research and realised that this isn’t “new”, its just been popularised by Wim and his team. Isnt that awesome?

The benefits of a cold shower

Proponents say that swimming in cold water can help with insulin resistance, muscle recovery post-exercise, cardiovascular health, reduction in inflammation, increased energy, mental health support, and even weight loss.

To get the benefits the water must be at/below 15 degrees Celsius. So if you live in a colder area then you can just access cold water from the tap, the pool or a local river. If you are in a warmer area, you may have to start freezing ice regularly.

Cold shower research

Not surprisingly most research is conducted with the view of enhancing athletic performance. Athletes want to reduce recovery time and reduce pain. The research supports cold water immersion as a powerful tool for recovery (1, 2).

A 2016 study wanted to determine if taking a 30s, 60s or 90s cold shower (after a hot one) every day, could reduce the number of sick days a person took off work. The result? It CAN. The good news is that there was no statistical difference between the 30s,60s or 90 s groups – meaning you can just do thirty seconds and reap the benefits!

All the way back in 2008 a study showed that cold showers could be beneficial in treating depression as it sends messages from the skin to the brain to help switch it back online.

But how does it work?

Immersing in cold water below 15 degrees C, causes your blood vessels to constrict, and then when you emerge from the water and begin to “thaw out” a little, the vessels will dilate again (3).

Cold water will activate the sympathetic nervous system which is commonly referred to as your “fight or flight” response. When you are immersed in cold water you will release more noradrenaline/norepinephrine peripherally and it will increase the release of noradrenaline in the brain as well. When the skin feels the cold water, the receptors will send a sudden signal back to the brain to say “hey, something is happening here” which scientists believe could have an anti-depressant-type effect (4).

The part of your brain that is responsible for wakefulness and attentiveness – the reticular activating system (RAS) – can also be positively affected by cold water immersion. In particular, the locus coeruleus of the RAS, is involved in the arousal, and sleep-wake cycles, memory and emotions. People living with chronic fatigue syndrome have seen benefits in daily immersions due to norepinephrine being predominantly released in this part of the brain which then contributes to a cascade of downstream pathways (5).

The innate immune response (the barriers of your body that stop pathogens from entering) and the autonomic immune system work in tandem to keep you healthy. Acute activation of the fight or flight nervous system affects the innate immune response, and research has shown that it can be positively influenced through meditation, cold water immersion and breathwork (6). The immune system when out of balance will have an overstimulation effect causing too much inflammation in the body. This then causes pain, discomfort, and illness. By managing the effect of pro-inflammatory markers through cold water therapy it reduces inflammation, therefore reducing pain and discomfort.

Benefits for non-athletes or those who arent “that sick”

I love reading research and knowing that athletes and those who are fighting some serious illnesses are getting better-informed healthcare every day. However, I want to focus on the average Joes and Jills of the world – those who are moving thru life and trying to live better and do better, and enjoy themselves at the same time. Most of us are sitting in this category, and what I love about cold water showers and immersion is that we can tap into our superhero vibe just by facing our fear and getting in that cold water!

We can benefit just as much as an athlete. -especially by reducing pain and discomfort and reducing recovery time post workouts.

How to take a cold shower effectively

even though the research says to start warm and then finish cold, I think this is really hard to do. It isn’t my approach, but hey if you insist, you do what works for you. My method is that of stepping into the boxing ring. You go ALL IN and you don’t back down.

Step 1. Turn on the cold tap all the way – full force

Step 2. Stand in the shower and let the water touch your feet

Step 3. Flick the water at your body, getting your arms wet

Step 4. Get your legs wet

Step 5. Turn around wet the back of the legs and butt

Step 6. one full arm and shoulder / then the other

(by this stage most of you should be wet)

Step 7. Soap up and then fully immerse to rinse off

Step 8. wash your hair (this is usually best after you have done the non-hair wash a few times first).


Put a hype song on so you can sing and dance to it

Do some big deep breaths (in for 4 out for 6) before stepping into the shower

Resist the urge to turn on the hot water tap

Stay for at least 60secs / or 30 secs after you have settled your breathing down (then you will feel the full rush of dopamine as you have settled into the shower

DONT yell, scream, carry on – just calm your breathing down (it takes about 30-60secs)

Be present

Remind yourself what a badass you are!

Go on, you can do it

So there you have it – ALL the research, all the reasons WHY you should be doing cold showers – your mental health, your physical health and your badass self are all waiting for you. Imagine sticking to this for thirty days and finding out that you were stronger in body and mind than you thought possible!

That’s what is waiting for you on the other side of your curiosity as to whether cold showers or cold water immersions might be right for you.

Leave a comment and let me know if you have tried it, or maybe are willing to try it!

Scrub your Socials- take your power back

Starting off the new year and taking your power back with a digital clean up clean up can be the most important thing you do at the start of the new year! Take your power back by removing negativity in your Socials, and removing the dead weight in your Inbox!
The collective energy for us at this time, is to restore, to connect and to enjoy. Why not use this time to restore your own energy, connect to those things that matter to you, and to embrace the idea that our life is for us to enjoy.

Here are my top tips when it comes to socials and digital life, so that you can clean up the energy in this space. Remember – we get energy strands of connection in the online world, just like we would in peson.
EVERY person you see on social media you will create an energy strand with.
EVERY person who scrolls your feed will create an energy strand with you.

Do you want that? Regularly clearing out your online space is a healthy part of your energetic hygiene practices. Just like if you went to a pub, you would come home and have a shower…consider this the same routine.
Renew your boundaries!

My Top 5 Tips take your power back with a digital clean up:

1. Scrub your socials:
Go thru all your socials and remove any account that doesn’t give you good feels when you see it.
This includes people as well as biz accounts (but we will get to that in Step 3).
If it isn’t an account that LIGHTS YOU UP …its gone!
Remove it ASAP and get that lower vibration out of your field. Otherwise, it will continue to drag you down.
It happens gradually over time, without you even realising, and one day you declare to the world “I’m going off FB / IG for a while in order to rest and recharge”.
Um really? Why not just stop using it before announcing to the world you are over it? (It’s a bit of a bugbear of mine!)

You see, this kind of behaviour comes from a lack of boundaries in this department, and you honestly only have yourself to blame. However – we don’t do “blame” in my world, we simply LEARN and don’t look back. (I think perhaps a trigger releasing session would help in this case though!)

So here is your new mantra:

I get to decide what is in my feed

What I click on, the algorithm decides I like

I must be diligent about what I click on

I get to control my experience

If I don’t like what someone is posting I SCROLL on, OR I delete / mute / unfollow / block etc

My socials. My choice!

Never again will you feel whiny and in your victim mode about how “bad” social media is for you!

Personally, I love IG as I can follow hashtags I’m truly interested in, and that inspire me and teach me.

Everything else is a no-go for me and my mental health. This includes “friends”, or family who I am afraid I will offend if I unfollow. (And honestly, how often do you see these so-called ‘friends’ anyway? Would you share a meal with them? That’s what I ask myself. If I wouldn’t then I wont allow them into my energetic online field either. Another Q to ask yourself – if you wouldn’t share a meal with them, are they really a friend? Does it matter in the grand scheme of things if you removed them from your digital life?)

2. unsubscribe.
We get hundreds of emails every day – so be discerning about what you will accept in your inbox. If you’re anything like me you have signed up for a discount on a shopping platform and keep receiving their newsletters. I also have well-meaning sign-ups where I wholeheartedly decide I will be interested in a particular website and its offerings and then promptly never read another email from that site ever again. And yet they keep sending me emails!
My brain likes to pursue many a rabbit hole, and I get really interested in topics for short periods of time. Then I am over it. The dopamine hit wears off. Are you like that too? Well, the time is now for you to start cleaning out your emails and only keeping those that actually add value to your life – like mine.

OR not.

The choice always remains yours – so embrace your power to choose and decide what you want bombarding your inbox. It does take a fair bit of time, so I suggest putting on some music, or a podcast or watching Netflix and doing it simultaneously. That way you can just keep powering through the ‘unsubcribes’ and GET IT DONE.

3. unfollow/unfriend.
This is a tough one, as it pulls on the heart strings doesn’t it? I can’t tell you how many times a client has said they simply must stay “friends” with a family member out of fear they will offend them if they don’t.




This is the very definition of giving your power away. I didn’t know until a short time ago that we can actually mute a Facebook ‘friend’ and we won’t see their posts anymore. I love this as it means that you don’t have to completely say ‘goodbye’, just ‘let’s have a break for now’.

I know that it feels uncomfortable when you make these small decisions about a friendship or family connection, but it is really about being kind to both yourself and them. Your negativity – even in private – still affects the energy strands that connect you both. So what you are doing is removing your trigger so you can take back control of your own energy. That’s got to be a good thing – right?
A few years ago my cousin’s wife unfriended me, and I didn’t realise for a while. It definitely made our relationship non-existant as I haven’t heard from her or my cousin ever since. I have never tried to contact her again as I feel awkward and uncomfortable knowing I’m not her ‘cup of tea’ – which is okay. We never had anything in common, except she married my favourite and much loved cousin. It’s a shame, because her one small act caused me some heartache, and means that my kids don’t know hers. Remember – be kind. To yourself and others.

Be ruthless with ‘friends’ that you don’t even know. If they post things one time that are questionable, or directly opposite to your values then consider whether this is the content you want to consume. Some people vent and it triggers your own stuff. (Maybe it’s time to do an Emotion Code session though?) That’s ok. Cut them some slack and start looking at why it affected you so much. If they do it again, and it really annoys you, offends you, or crosses a line – it’s time to unfriend. No one wants to leave their front door open to angry, bigoted, racist, keyboard warriors, conspiracy theorists etc…so think of your account as your front door to your own energy field.
You need to put a line of defense between you both.

4. mute. I’ve mentioned it before but it needs its whole paragraph and time in the sun. Instagram has a mute button, and it is totally fine to use it. Just see how when you use it, that your life doesn’t end!
But you can use your own mute button on many things – like not replying to a message as soon as you receive one. You can choose to mute yourself during a conversation, and just hang up and plead “it dropped out” if queried.
Muting yourself means you get to decide what comes out of your mouth. It also means you retain your own power. There is no rule book that says you “must” respond. So choose when you do.

5. rest. I know you think that sitting on the couch and mindlessly scrolling for 3 hours is resting. It is not.

It is scrolling, and it is not mindless.

It is very mindful – and not in the best way.

When you are scrolling away you often lose track of time, and you ignore your kids and animals, and probably forget to do the chores around the house. Bbe intentional about your scrolling. But don’t call it rest. Cos it ain’t.
Resting is when your body AND mind get a break. (This is also not called sleep).

Resting involves an intention to slow down, and to just be in the present moment. My favourite way to rest is in my hammock with a blanket (if it is cooler) and a pillow under my head and knees. I love the feeling of swaying gently. I often don’t read in the hammock, I just look at the trees and the sky.
Some people say that resting can be reading a book – but the mind is still active.
Others say resting can be swimming – but the body is still active.

Many people find it hard to just sit and do nothing for a period of time, except breathe and be. So i invite you to set a timer for 3mins and just allow yourself to be in the present moment. Lay down. Watch the clouds. Listen to the birds. Just rest. And when the timer goes off, set it again for another 3mins. You’ll be amazed how quickly time flies doing nothing.
Resting is the biggest gift you can give yourself in this busy life we live. So choose to consciously do it for a few minutes per day – and watch how your entire perception will shift.

Start today

Scrubbing your digital energy field is an act of self love. Start today and notice how less-stressed and anxious you become. Removing the negativity, the draining, the anger, the complaining, the comparison and the sense of missing out can help restore your balance and your enjoyment of life. When you become ruthless at guarding your own energy, you will find the rest becomes easier and life becomes happier.

Good luck xx

How to Let Go (for good)

“How do you let things go Belle?

I have tried so hard and I just cant seem to do it.”

-many clients

I get asked this on a weekly basis by people with warm, loving hearts, who have been hurt, disappointed, let down, and treated badly by the people in their life that meant something to them.

How do you let it go?

All the nasty words.

All the careless mistakes.

All the accusations.

All the time-wasting.

All the sucking the air out of the room.

All the thankless times.


You just decided that enough is enough.

Your thoughts will continue to “think you” if you don’t start catching them as they arise. You will find yourself down the rabbit hole within seconds if you keep playing out the scenarios of what they did (or didnt) do, in your head.

Have you ever had THAT conversation with them, in your car, or in the mirror? Saying all the RIGHT things you SHOULD have said at the time! To REALLY show them YOU CANT BE TREATED LIKE THIS ANYMORE !!!!

Yeah. Most of us have been there at least once. If not a hundred times. You are acting subconsciously in those moments when someone is taking advantage of you, but you dont speak up. Or when you let something slide, only to feel it festering later after they have gone. OR when you get that feeling in your gut that something isnt right, but you ignore it.

Time doesnt heal – it simply pushes down your feelings to be triggered by someone else, or to fester and rise at an unwelcome time. Intentional healing heals.

It means you make a decision to not allow those thoughts air time anymore. When they come up, you acknowledge and then evaluate what is in your control. I will take you thru the steps of the #AASERTmethod of coaching on how you might tackle this major self-sabotage issue that many people go thru:

Step 1: Acknowledgeonce you identify what is happening you can then begin the process of change.

Step 2: Accept the past happened. It did. Accept it. Just stay in this place for a second. (Don’t worry, we will move on, but for now, just accept that this person DID say or do what they did. you cannot change it.

Step 3: Surrender
Give OVER. Don’t give IN. Sit within the feelings, be with them, don’t resist that they are there. Honour your feelings. Completely. Without reservation. You are angry. Feel it
You are hurt. Feel it.
You are sad. Feel it.
You are feeling what truly is. but your feelings aren’t necessarily “truth”.
There IS a BIG difference. (if you don’t know the difference between “truth” and what you are feeling being “true to you” then we can work at this step to free you from the myths of “truth”. (They are a huge sabotage issue that can keep you stuck).

Step 4: Evaluate what is in your control
Can you change the past? No. Accept it happened.
Can you change them? No. accept this is what they did/said.
Can you say something? Yes
Can you choose to ignore? Yes
Can you change how you respond to it if it happens again? Yes
Can you change their behaviour when you respond? No.
Can you control your triggers? Yes (good) No (then THIS is where we work together to release them)

Step 5: Reframe how you think about it(this is the real step of healing in the process)When you look at the issue without emotion, you can see a different point of view.
What have you learned about yourself? (triggers? preferences? values?)
What have you learned about them? (they’re human. They aren’t perfect. They are acting off their own values, triggers and desires.)
What have you realised is most important in this situation? (to be right, to be heard, to be apologised to, to forgive? to move forward? to move past it? to release the friendship?
Learning is the path to healing. Learn the lesson and you won’t keep having to repeat it.

Step 6: Trust (yourself) Trust (the process)
Once you have made it thru and learned the lessons then you will be free to use the #AASERTmethod quickly and easily when anything comes up for you. Trusting is NOT about having no issues, it is about knowing what to do when the issues arise. The more you clear the energy around what has been coming up, the less you will attract. The less it will come up.
When you have been through a situation that has shaken you to your core, you may not trust yourself in the beginning…but using the AASERT method, it will re-empower you and your trust in self again.

Healing takes time. The AASERT method gives you a tool to help you gain the confidence to self-heal and to be your own coach. I use both Emotion Code to release the emotions and also AASERT in my Accountability Coaching sessions in order to FAST TRACK you into an empowered place of which to move forward and ultimately LET GO!

Want to get started and save over $150 – get on it! Let that shit go and start THRIVING again!

Your Fast Start package includes 45min initial coaching session plus 3 x 30min sessions to keep you on track for a month.
Each session is to be taken 1 week apart where possible (max 10 days). This will keep you motivated and committed to reaching your goals.

Why have a coach?

Because if you could have done it alone by now you would have!
A quick month of coaching could save you hundreds of hours in time wasted or money lost.

Why coach with Belle?
Belle is a woman who goes after what she wants, is a straight talker and can see through any self-sabotage blocks. She has been coaching men and women to help them achieve their own unique successes in all areas of their life since 2012.
With Belle on your side, you are assured of success. She will offer you clear guidelines for you to work towards in order to go after what you are wanting, and see real results.

What areas can I receive coaching in?

Belle is an expert in helping healers, counsellors, massage therapists, kinesiologists, nutritionists and yogis who are wanting to start their business, or start over (in a more productive and focused way).

She has 16yrs experience in social media, branding, mindset and marketing for a self employed healer. She will bring her personal experience as well as industry knowledge to help you reach your goals.

Belle can also help you to take control of your personal life, in terms of career or relationships or health and wellbeing.

Anything you are wanting to focus upon, Belle will give you the tools, the feedback and direction you need to make it happen.

You can be assured that you will receive the mentoring you need for your personal life or for your business dreams.

Are all coaches the same?
Some are amazing.
Some just take your money.
Some don’t even remember what your goals are, or what is important to you.
Belle is committed to working closely with her coaching clients so they feel supported, encouraged and most of all…accountable.

Book a Discovery Call
See if this is right for you

Get your goals sorted and your dreams realised

tick off your goals

Accountability Coaching

Do you feel like you lack motivation?
You’re not alone.
Many people attend a coaching or energy healing session and feel inspired to commit to new healthier life habits – only to get sick, overwhelmed, tired or disappointed by something in their life again.
At that moment, their bad habits creep back in, AND they slowly forget what they were trying to focus upon!
That’s when frustration, irritation, anger and also binge eating or drinking kicks in.
And that can make you feel even worse.Let’s not even mention when you go 0-100 in 10 secs and let rip at your kids or partner.

The struggle is real – but you don’t have to stay there.

Accountability Coaching is a supportive service offered by Belle that will help you to stay on track and reach that milestone of 90 days – this is SO important when you are wanting to create REAL and EFFECTIVE change in your life.

The research is clear: 21 days to create a new habit
21 days to reinforce that habit
another 21 days to make sure it sticks and
another 21 days to make it seem so easy.

What could you become in 90 days?
What dreams do you have for health or well-being or career?
What can you imagine your life would be like if you could build momentum and have someone supporting you (and kicking your butt) along the way?

How does Accountability Coaching work?

You will do an initial 2hr session with Belle (in-person or zoom) in order to get clarity and set priorities; clear limiting beliefs, blocks and self sabotage to reaching your goals.
Then every week you will do a 30min coaching call via phone to check in, release triggers, and keep you focused and on track.
–> 3 months <–
12 sessions
self work

Each week you will focus on smart, measurable and achievable goals. You will have tasks to complete that are easily added to your current schedule. This will help you to avoid overwhelm and burnout.

Could you do this yourself?
Of course you could!
HAVE you done this for yourself yet?
And THIS is why you NEED an accountability coach!

You already KNOW what needs to happen.
You have the SKILLS required to reach your goals.
What you NEED is someone to believe in you, to keep you focused, and to hold you accountable each week while you tick off your list of goals.

This is for you if:
– you want to achieve your goals in the next 3 months
– you are sick and tired of making excuses
– you want to plan, execute and smash your goals!
– you are a spiritually focused person who wants to combine their masculine and feminine energies to get into flow and ease.

Are you a HELL YES?
Get started here:3 Month Accountability Coaching.

Are you a MAYBE but need more info?
Book your Clarity call here:Accountability Coaching Clarity Call

PTSD – you CAN heal with the proper support

Recently on the Today show Karl Stefanovic asked Dr Nick Coatsworth if he was a “bit broken” after discussing his experience with PTSD.

So misguided Karl.

It’s these kinds of loose comments that enforce the PTSD stigma that so many people are living with.
Too many people are living with the effects of trauma, but because they weren’t in a war zone, or experienced a violent assault, they don’t believe they have anything to complain about.
Too many people are now experiencing being re-traumatised after an abusive relationship, which ignites the childhood trauma lying dormant, festering below the surface and has “suddenly” surfaced around midlife.

Mid life crisis? Or PTSD from unresolved trauma?

It’s time the stigma was removed and it is time that people started to understand that in this modern world where we are using our noggin in a vastly different way than centuries before, we are evolving to experience chronic issues in the mind…rather than the body breaking down from back-breaking physical work that our ancestors experienced in the preceding centuries.

The link between stress, chronic stress and physical illness is well researched and known – albeit the mechanism and the tipping point of creating illness is not well understood (
We know that people living with trauma that hasnt been processed or resolved will manifest at some point in the course of someone’s life. This will be determined by their personality, coping style or support system. What is important to remember is that the support structure around a person is integral in helping them to seek and enter support with professionals. If you notice a loved one is not doing ok, or if they are saying things that you find concerning, or if their behaviour changes markedly, then help them to get help. GP, psych, counsellor – are all good places to start. Help them to know that asking for help is the strongest place to be, and that you are there for them. Don’t try to fix them yourself – that’s not your job. Your job is to be there for them, check on them, and motivate them to get help for themselves. That’s all.

Research shows that a substantial number of people identified with PTSD recover within 24mths
There is a high prevalence of those who suffer from PTSD will develop alcohol or drug abuse. This impacts relationships, affects children and ability to sustain gainful employment (

We are predominantly at a desk; we are more sedentary; we spend hours a day in front of a screen. Our lifestyle has changed, and therefore our lifestyle illnesses have changed too. We are living longer, but often that means we are holding more trauma, or living less-than-healthy lives, being kept alive by medications, and experiencing depression and trauma throughout this extended life span (

If someone had a broken leg, had the cast on, then went thru rehab and started to learn to walk and run again – would you say they are a “bit broken” ?
Or would you say they are recovering/recovered?

PTSD is not lifelong in ALL cases. It is NOT something to endure and learn to live with in ALL cases.

How does PTSD happen?
Literature shows that PTSD results from an unexpected sudden traumatic stressor. This can be from war (which is what most people think of), but it can also be from a violent assault, accident, or natural disaster.
Childhood trauma often is a result of sexual assault or even the death of a loved one. ( )
What I believe is the MOST important part of understanding PTSD is that it is subjective to the person experiencing the trauma. If they believe it is traumatic, then it is.

A traumatic event to one person may not be identified as being traumatic to another person. Therefore, it is important to understand that if you are comparing how you feel to what others have endured, you may be traumatising yourself even further. Conversely if you are a professional who works with people living with PTSD it is important to remember that you are working with perception and not with what you consider to be “real” (

In the burgeoning area of PTSD after narcissistic abuse, we see people who have never been in a warzone, never experienced a vicious assault. Still, they may have a history of people-pleasing and “over-giving”.
Being in an unhealthy or toxic relationship absolutely causes trauma within the individual. The fallout after the relationship ends can endure for years – particularly if there are children involved.

With the stakes being so high, there is never a better time than right now to get help for PTSD symptoms no matter how minor or insignificant they may seem to you, or the people around you.

Pain can be your best friend

….however it may not feel like a good friend at first. In this blog I share my own healing journey from how I became an Emotion Code healer to now – facing my own healing crisis again with a hand injury.

And so the time has come for the healer to heal herself….well, to be honest, she has been doing that for a while now. It is a never ending process that as an awakening woman I have long been familiar with.

I noticed pain in my base of thumb for a few years now, but it started to get worse during the last semester of uni. I was writing more notes, and massaging more clients than I have in a while and it really took its toll on my hand.

The simple solution is: stop doing massage and stop writing notes.
So how do I put food on the table and provide for my kids and how do I study? Simply put I dont want my life to change in any way shape or form because the uncertainty is scary and so I pretend I dont notice the pain on a deeper level, and just manage the symptoms.
I press on with ice packs and essential oils and hand splints, and push thru the pain, and massage in different ways, hoping it will just go back to normal.
But you and I both know this isnt a long term, wellbeing solution. And I am afraid of the outcome if I dont do anything about it, but not afraid enough to change anything.

What helps people feel better in the long term?
Change of lifestyle, change of habits, change of thought patterns, and change of energy field.

I share this with you, because even for me – a woman who KNOWS the mind body connection, and KNOWS the language of her body, I STILL RESIST the messages at times – particularly the messages that address some core wounding and fears.
And this is what many people are facing that I see in my clinic. this is the BIG stuff, the stuff that requires courage to face, and it can be terrifying.
Until the pain or discomfort gets bigger than the FEAR that stops you from facing it.

I became an energy healer back in 2014 after struggling with a really sore right shoulder for about six months. The pain got to the point where I couldn’t drive without pain, cos I couldn’t get my arm in a position that felt good.
I did yoga and lifted weights, was super fit, I never rested, I worked hard and was a newly single mum with 3 kids. To say I was “shouldering” a burden of responsibility was an understatement. I was worried about paying bills, worried would I ever meet the man of my dreams, worried I was failing as a mum and worried I was a massive failure in general.
I tried physio which didnt do anything – didn’t make it worse or better. And believe me, my physio is excellent at his craft. His treatments did nothing because it wasn’t a physical injury. It was energetic. I just didn’t know it at the time.

After a few months of physio treatment going nowhere I was starting to be concerned that my life as a massage therapist was going to come to an end, and I was terrified that I had no other skills. I mean, I am a bodyworker – what else could I do?
And then I stumbled across an energy healer who did Emotion Code. It was a non-touch therapy that worked on the emotional layers that were trapped or stuck in my energy field. WHOAH. what?
I honestly didn’t believe it at first. I thought it was a joke.
But after FIFTEEN MINUTES I could move my shoulder again without pain. I was floating, I felt amazing. And I couldn’t believe it.

However it was short lived. The pain came back 2 days later.
So I called this woman who I now declared a charlatan and she said “okay let’s do a full session, I’ll call you back at 2pm”
And after that session I have NEVER had shoulder pain again.

And that’s when I decided to learn Emotion Code myself so I can take care of others in the same way.

Isn’t that incredible! I had opened the door to a new world thru the pain in my shoulder. I began to walk down a path I never knew existed because of the pain in my shoulder caused by the feelings of fear and worry and burden. I had taken those though patterns and walked thru a door into a new world and way of showing up in my practice.
I am forever grateful for that.

And now as the pain in my hand brings me to a slow down again, I am reminded not to be afraid, but to dive deeper into the healing space, releasing the trapped emotions (which will in turn release the fears around “grasping” my life with two hands even in the face of uncertainty) and being open to receiving the new blessings and new pathways that will come up as a result of having to slow down (or maybe even stop, not sure yet) massaging people.

This is the gift of energy healing. We don’t focus on the actual physical problem. We focus on the underlying causes that can only be accessed once the emotional layers are released – and then the story can be told.

Our physical body is simply a manifestation of the thoughts, words, judgements and beliefs we hold.
We feel pain and discomfort because these thoughts are not in alignment with our wise woman / wise man.
And it is this misalingment that is trapping the emotions which then cause “issues in the tissues”.

The process of releasing is simple. However the process of getting you to make and appointment, to show up and to have enough courage to face the deeper layers is what keeps people in resistance.
Simply take the first step, and I will guide and support you to do the rest.
Make a decision to get to the bottom of the pain and discomfort and watch your life come alive as you step closer into alignment with who you truly are.

Emotion Code appointments are part of my Health & Wellness consultations. Initial sessions are 2hrs, as I take a detailed history to ensure I have a complete picture of what is going on for you. In a session you will relax deeply – maybe even fall asleep at times – and you will learn a lot about yourself (or maybe just “remember”!)

Appointments can be made here, and can be in clinic or via Zoom: Bookings