Feeling Stuck? Practice Thankfulness & Gratitude daily


Who is feeling stuck??? You know the feeling…it is icky, you feel strangled somehow, like you are in a straight jacket and cant wiggle free.
Feeling stuck is the SIGN you were waiting for!!!
Feeling stuck means that it is becoming too uncomfortable for you to stay where you are…and that means things MUST change!


Only problem is, we can wriggle a little, wrestle a little, and then we have a bit more breathing room, and then we think “oh, this is all too hard, i think i will just be happy with what i have got” (or similar).
Problem is, we will run out of room again, and again, and again….until the pain of this cycle becomes too much!

I have totally been there! MANY TIMES. It is the sure sign that things can move in the direction of your dreams…if only you will have the courage to keep going.


You start writing in a journal….asking these questions daily:

“what do i need to feel fulfilled?”
“what does being fulfilled FEEL like?”
“what is my biggest, most daring, most audacious desire?”
“what would it FEEL like to achieve this?”
“what would my life LOOK and FEEL like if I achieved this?”
“how can i live my BEST life?”
“how can i GIVE BACK?”
“what kind of money do i need to be making each month in order to fulfill my dreams of blessing others and giving back?”

“Universe / God / Divine – please open the door to opportunity and help me to see opportunities as they come to me. Allow my eyes to be opened to joy, to help me be thankful for all that I have, and to have a heart that is wide open to receive all the love possible in this world.”

Practice writing down 3 things you are thankful for in your life every day! Make them small things, make them BIG things….just do this – EVERY DAY for at least a week, and see how your attitude changes.

BE PREPARED for people or situations to try to drag you down! It is a TRAP, and it a privilege to experience the trap because it means that we get to PRACTICE looking for the positive, or things to be thankful for. Only when you can start to see the positive in everything…most things…(looking for the SILVER lining) can you be assured that your mindset is shifting.

Life can be hard for people when we are trained to look for the crappiness,. It is like we are hard wired, from our parents, grandparents, extended family, teachers and social circle, to expect hardship. So often entrepreneurs are faced with negativity from those closest to them (hint: they aren’t entrepreneurs, and they think differently to you!) and it can drag you down. Be sure to practice your thankfulness and positive mindset daily, to ensure that you can be the shining light in this dark and moody world!

Manage your stuck-ness, BREAK THRU and be a light to others! Don’t expect others to follow you, or copy your mindset at first. Just be thankful they are noticing and realising their own “stuckness” too. You will realise when this happens cos people will say “gee you’re always so positive!” (with a tone that infers they think you are weird!)

If you REALLY want your life to change and look and feel better, you have to make a daily commitment to practice new skills of THANKFULNESS, REFLECTION, and ASKING in order to get there.

Love Your Body again…..(or for the first time)

Essential Oils for emotional healing…..

DoTERRA’s metabolic blend “Slim n Sassy” contains Grapefruit oil which has long been used to nurture self love and respect for the physical body. It supports those who struggle to honour their body and are caught in patterns of physical or emotional mistreatment.

Grapefruit oil can help:

Negative emotions – hate for the body, obsession with food or dieting, anxiety over appearance, eating issues
Positive Properties – respect for body, meeting physical needs, body-acceptance, nourished, healthy relationship with food.

These forms of abuse may include severe dieting, judging one’s body weight or type, and abusing the body through negligent behaviours or violence. These acts are often motivated by hate and disgust buried within the psyche which gets directed towards the physical body. Though the individual may obsess over how they look, they know deep down they will never feel good enough, nor look good enough.

Grapefruit oil is often misused in overly strict dietary and weight loss programs. The reason this oil helps to curb emotional eating is because it encourages a positive relationship with one’s body, based on love, tolerance and acceptance. Grapefruit encourages integrity by respecting one’s physical needs. This oils assists the individual in listening to their true physical needs and impulses. It also assists one in taking responsibility for what they feel.
Grapefruit teaches that no amount of food can fill a hole in the heart – only love can do that.

As the individual takes ownership of their feelings and gets the help they need to hide their feelings behind food, body abuse, strict regimes, eating issues or other forms of obsession.

During pregnancy a woman will go through many changes of loving and not loving her body. This is normal, however it becomes abnormal when a woman will restrict her food, or keep up an exhausting exercise regime that would put a non-pregnant person to shame!

Pregnancy is NOT a time for losing weight (unless of course you have been instructed by your doc to lose weight). It is not a time for being strict, and it is certainly not a time for obsessing over your weight gain.

Pregnancy IS a time for learning how to “go with the flow”, of how to eat in a way that nourishes AND satisfies – so that you and your baby can be as healthy and happy as possible. There is a direct correlation between the food you eat and your mood and emotional state – so if you are smashing the donuts and coke, you can imagine your emotional state will not be entirely stable….which will then send you down the rabbit hole into self loathing, guilt and shame afterwards. Believe me, this is a vicious cycle, and one you will find it hard to get out of.

Using this oil blend, or just grapefruit on its own during pregnancy, can help you to remain loving and caring whilst observing the changes your body is going through.



If you would like to have a deeper love for your body, feel self acceptance, and develop a healthier relationship with food, then use this oil daily as part of your “self care” regimen. Dab behind the ears, or (if not pregnant) drop 1-2 drops across your belly, whilst holding the intention “I love and accept myself”. 

To order Slim n Sassy CLICK HERE

To book an Emotional Clearing consultation with Belle email belle @ thebelleflowersclinic.com.au

50 Mum #lifehacks

Modern mums are so extraordinary aren’t we!!!

Never before in the history of ever, has a woman been expected to be so many things all rolled into ONE gorgeous creation.

We are expected to be a mum, part of the work force, have self confidence, self worth, be a good role model, be a fine housewife, be able to manage finances well, help out at school/canteen, get motivated to have a strong and fit body, encourage kids to stays off screens and play outside more, ferry kids to sports and activities, be a welcoming presence to our partner as they come home, be able to cook like a nutritionist and provide balanced healthy meals each day, be a microbiologist and prepare green smoothies that look yuck and taste yuck (but are super healthy)…..

.……is it any wonder most mums I know are TIRED. OH SO TIRED! Worn out. Stressed out. Guilty. Over it. Cranky. Frustrated. Needing space.

Is this you? Well, I can’t stop the constant-ness of this busy life, but I can offer you some oily #lifehacks that will help you be a better, more efficient and happier version of yo’self!!!

Try out these oily #lifehacks using essential oils. From everything from wellness, to home to finances (oils save you $$$) to increasing energy, to removing chemicals from fruit – we have you covered. Little tips and tricks you can actually USE in everyday life. 

Using essential oils is a game changer – it will make you more conscious of living a chemical-free life style, it will empower you to look after your own health better and with more confidence, and will help you to know what do when your child gets sick – and keep you out of the doctor’s office for common colds/conditions. 


Click the link:

50 mum #lifehacks: practical uses for essential oils


If you would like to buy your oils from me, and become part of my Mind Body Wellness Tribe (you get cool goodies, and loads on info and support, so it’s awesome!) then click HERE.


Is everyone but YOU getting pregnant?

How to deal with the pain and disappointment when everyone around you is getting pregnant

 I LOVE this blog by Katie Ryan from Newcastle. This sums up exactly how MANY of my clients feel….have you ever felt like this? Lets try and remove the social stigma associated with not being able to conceive and just support each other – learn from each other – and walk alongside each other during this difficult time.

When you first start trying to conceive and you see a pregnant belly, you grin knowingly at yourself and think “That will be me soon”.

Then the months go by and you start to feel stuck in the slow lane, watching other women zoom by and get pregnant while the only thing you’re growing is a burning hunk of fertility road rage.

Pregnancy announcements go from squeal and hug fests to stab-me-in-the-heart-athons.

You start making up excuses not to go to baby showers because you should be buying adorable clothes for your own little one by now.

 And if one more friend says she got pregnant when she wasn’t even trying, you might need a good lawyer.

So how can you keep it together when everyone else is getting what you want and you’re still waiting?

#1 Feel the pain

You can’t avoid pain altogether but you can keep it to a minimum. Feel the pain. Breathe it in. Let it flow through you and out again. Trying to push the hurt away just creates a block for you. When you hear someone’s baby news, go somewhere private and absorb it. See yourself breathe it in as if you were inhaling a cloud of light. Imagine it flowing into your body then out again when you exhale. Repeat until the pain subsides. You don’t need to hold onto the hurt, you just need to acknowledge it and let it pass through. Feel it briefly now so you’re not hurt by it forever.

#2 Say thank you

The universe has just reminded you of what you want. You think about having a baby so much that of course there are going to be babies all around you. That’s how the universal laws work: you get more of what you focus on. There’s a place inside you where you can take the jealousy, bitterness and anger and turn it into gratitude. Seriously. There’s a little place in your heart from where you can whisper to the universe “Thank you for helping me remember what I want and why I’m working so hard to be healthy and fertile”. Then use all those feelings as motivation to keep doing what you need to do, like eating whole foods, drinking lots of water and keeping your stress levels low.

#3 Level up

Every choreographed baby announcement and glittering gender reveal party is helping you to get on the same wavelength as those women who are having babies. It’s the fertility equivalent of rolling around naked on a pile of $1 bills and imagining they’re $100 bills – it’s helping you get in the zone for what you want. Energetically speaking, the more time you spend with babies and pregnant women, the closer you get to being pregnant and having your own baby. Not to mention it’s great preparation and learning so you’re in the know when your time comes. So open your arms and your heart to all the baby shower invitations and visits with newborns – they’re getting you closer and closer to your own.

#4 Don’t take it personally

I know it hurts because they have what you want but you can’t compare their situation with yours. Everyone takes their own path to parenthood and whether it’s taken them a month or a decade to get pregnant, they still deserve it. Just like high school, making a baby is an “eyes on your own paper” kind of event. Forget what everyone else is doing, what worked for them, and which pill, potion or lubricant you can try next. You have to find your own way by unravelling the unique baby recipe that is just for you and your partner.  

#5 Remember who’s in charge

The most important thing to remember is that you are in charge of your own fertility. You have the power to bring your little one through and the best thing you can do is connect with your body’s wisdom and follow what it tells you. Slow down, make space, get to know yourself. Listen to the inner voice that has all your answers. Remember that health comes before fertility so get both of you healthy.

If you think you’ve tried everything to make your baby, I can guarantee you there’s more that you can do. Let that be a comforting thought: you’re not done yet, you just need to find the missing puzzle piece.


Find Your Core Values


Do you feel like you are STUCK and can’t move forward in to the life of your DREAMS?

Do you have an idea of how to live your best life, but are feeling like there is something holding you back?

Has there been this feeling within you for a while now that you need …..something different….but you don’t know what that is?


These feelings are ALL TOO FAMILIAR to me! They often come at periods where I also start to feel  bored and like I am not living my life at 100%. Do you feel like that?
The feelings I get are this deep down irritation, where I feel like I need to wriggle my way through a small under ground cave that is narrow and dark and scary. LOL! I know, dramatic, but I think in pictures!

What helps me to shake these feeling when they come up is to go back to making sure I am living from my Core Values. Most people can’t verbally express what their Core Values are – they have a feeling of what they are, and they will certainly know what they are when prompted with examples, but most people can’t put them into words.

The difference between the truly successful and satisfied people and yourself, is that they have learned the skill of checking in with their Core Values – regularly – and being able to hold them in the front of their mind. Once you know what they are, then you can use them as your baseline for every situation you find yourself in and choice you need to make.
Your Core Values will make you feel excited, motivated, peaceful, happy, content, inspired etc

So when you know what you are working from, you can then size up anyone or anything to make sure they fit inside your value system.


Let me give you an example:
Let’s say my Core Values are – Adventure, Trust, Peace, Friendship and Solitude (a mixed bag here!)
These are important to me in this particular period of my life (remember your Core Values will change, kind of like seasons change.) So let’s say I am hating my job. I mean, I wake up every morning and I dread rolling out of bed. I am sad as I have to leave and as I take the train into work each day I get cranky with the fellow travellers. My boss I cannot stand, and I have nothing in common with my co-workers and I don’t engage with them. (this sounds awful!)
My job is at a desk and I am an analyst so I don’t talk to anyone all day, I just work from a PC.

Let’s look at my Core Values again: Adventure, Trust, Peace, Friendship and Solitude
In this particular scenario I can see that “solitude” lines up – which is why I probably picked this role to begin with.
Adventure….? Um that’s a “no”. There is none of that here.
Peace….? There is peace in the fact I talk to no-one, but I don’t feel peaceful in my spirit.
Trust….? I don’t know my co-workers. So there is no trust. Only in myself.
Friendship….? That’s a clear “no”.

So from this example I can see that I know why I picked this job, and that perhaps it has run its season? I now know why I am miserable every day, and I know what I am looking for in a job that I apply for.

So then I need to MANIFEST what kind of job I want to work in….(we will cover MANIFESTING next time)

So now it is up to YOU – click on the link below and work thru the booklet to find your Core Values and start living your life on purpose!



Top 5 #postnatalhacks to THRIVE in the Postnatal week



Thank GOD you have finally had the baby!

No more pain in the lower back, you can get up and down from the couch easily and you can eat whatever food you like again without the risk of salmonella, reflux or throwing up! Now that the baby is here you can go back to feeling normal again – right?
WRONG! To be honest for most mamas they feel like they have been hit by a bus in those first few weeks after bub comes home!
Carrying a baby for 9+mths and then birthing (no matter which way they arrive) is the most intense experience a woman can go through – even if it is serene and calm. So, it is imperative that we acknowledge the rite of passage and give it some space to sink in.

Traditional cultures get it right – they look after their new mamas by inviting aunts, grandmothers, sisters or cousins to be on standby to help tend to mama’s needs and make sure she and baby are doing okay and resting and recuperating. There is always someone on hand to help, or do the jobs that need doing. Some mamas here in Australia are lucky to have their mum or sisters around to help out. But what happens to a mum that has emigrated or has no family close by? Or what if they feel like they can’t possibly ask a neighbour for help?

If you want to THRIVE in the postnatal weeks (and not merely survive with baby-spew stains, hair a mess and a sore neck) then here are my top 5 #postnatalhacks to make it through the postnatal period in one piece

  1. Make sure the food you eat is healthy for you.
    It is hard to make sure you feed yourself at all, let alone feed yourself well in the first few weeks when your full attention is on your new baby. Many mums reach for easy to make foods like pasta and toast, and wonder why they feel sluggish and tired. Feeding yourself well will help your energy levels, your milk supply and your mental health. It is worth putting 1% of your focus into buying well at the grocery store and making sure you have snacks that you can eat with one hand (fruit salad already cut up, protein balls, smoothies to name a few).
    There are many women who suffer with food intolerance prior to having a baby, then during pregnancy seem “fine” and then are shocked to realise that their food intolerances have returned after baby arrives. If you notice a food intolerance (gas, bloating, nausea, hives, rash, headaches, diarrhea etc) then pay attention to it! It will not magically disappear, and you MUST address it at some point. So if you think that you must eat milk for calcium, but you know it doesn’t sit right in your gut, avoid it for a while – and allow your body to settle down. (Take a calcium supplement if you are really concerned about it). If you know that eating tomatoes makes you feel sick (even though you like it) then avoid it to stop feeling sick. Sometimes “healthy food” is not healthy for you at a particular time in your life. Learn to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. It won’t be forever, just for a time.
    If possible ask friends to bring a fruit salad or a stir fry instead of a baby gift in the first few weeks (let’s face it, how many muslin wraps and baby toys do you really need?) A meal you can reheat, or a healthful snack you can enjoy while your friend gives baby a cuddle is a much better gift, don’t you think?


  1. Drink loads of water – I’m not a coffee drinker, so this one is easy for me, but you who indulge in the “liquid gold” will know that caffeine affects your mood, your energy levels and your milk supply. Stay away from it – you were avoiding it in pregnancy anyway (right?) So if you feel like you “need a coffee to wake up” this is a good indication it isn’t good for you, so stop it now! And don’t switch to decaf – for goodness’ sake, decaf is worse…. it’s not what nature intended, so just avoid it altogether. Allow your hormones to rebalance and find a natural rhythm with sleep and wake cycles without messing it all up with coffee.
    Drinking water will help you digest your food better, will nourish every part of your body, will help with flushing out toxins and drugs from labour, will help with aching muscles, will help you feel more energetic, will help you think more clearly, will help stop sugar cravings (which helps you lose baby weight)….need I go on?
    And those who drink soft drink – I haven’t forgotten you either! Soft drink has zero nutritional value, and is in fact VERY bad for you. It is liquid lollies. Stop it. I have nothing else to say on this.
    Okay so drink water. At least 2.5L per day if you are an average sized. A little more if you are bigger than average or it is summer. And if you are feeding make sure there is a glass of water in an easy to reach position. This will give you an 8 glasses of water per day (if you are feeding every 3 hours). Filtered water is best, so invest in a purifier for the home and teach your kids early on the importance of clean, filtered drinking water.
    This isn’t rocket science. You already know this. So just do it. And feel better J
    Adding a drop of dōTERRA lemon, lime or grapefruit essential oil will freshen the taste and purify the water at the same time. Did you know that Grapefruit oil can help with easing inflammation, weight gain, and sugar cravings and is considered a natural stress-fighter, anti-inflammatory,antioxidant and anticarcinogenic? Just one drop in a 1litre of water every day can make a huge positive impact on your health.
    Do you need to INCREASE your milk supply? I recommend 3 fantastic essential oils for a little milky boost: Basil, Fennel and Clary Sage. If you were able to get your hands on my Labour Oil (available in clinic) prior to birth, then keep using this oil blend in your postnatal weeks. Containing clary sage as its base ingredient, it is a superior oil to balance for your hormones, helps your uterus shrink back to normal size and assists in milk production. Great for when you have hadbreastfeeding a c-section and your milk takes longer to come in. Basil and/or Fennel are excellent for milk production – use twice per day, about 2 drops in 5ml coconut oil and massage over breasts (avoid areola and nipples) and belly.
    You could also make your own Fennel Milky Tea with doTERRA’s oils – steep lavender and lemon-balm herbs in boiling water for 5mins. Strain. Add 1 drop doTERRA fennel to each cup.
    Order these oils HERE.

  2. Get a Postnatal massage every week for 6 weeks – everyone knows how important it is to look after yourself. But rarely do I see new mums who can do this well. The mums who come into my clinic that thrive in the postnatal months are the ones who take the time to PLAN their postnatal experience and don’t just “see what happens”. I have never met a woman who planned their postnatal months who didn’t have a great experience. But I meet women all the time who haven’t planned for success and are drowning in new motherhood.
    Postnatal massage will firstly help with the aching muscles that often comes from carrying a baby for 9mths, delivering baby, and carrying said baby for hours upon hours per day. When you are exhausted from interrupted sleep, your entire system becomes more stooped in posture, (your tummy muscles are weak, which makes your back arch a little more and your shoulders droop forward, and you will no doubt lock out your knees too.)

    Physically it is a no brainer – massage makes you feel better in your body. But the real benefits I think are in the weekly social interaction with a health professional who is trained to listen, support and guide you. You get to vent, cry, rejoice and express how you are truly feeling (to someone who is impartial). The therapist will listen, celebrate, support and encourage you. All whilst your body is being gently stretched, pampered, pummeled and covered in delicious smelling essential oils to calm your nerves and ease your mind. Studies have shown just 20mins per week can help reduce stress hormones in the body – imagine what 60mins can do!

  1. Go for a gentle walk each day. It is important that you read the word GENTLE and follow this. In my opinion the postnatal weeks should not be spent sweating, boot-camping and “getting your fitness back”!
    These are weeks/months that your vital energy needs to come back to balance, muscles that have stretched and ligaments that are weakened take time to strengthen again. Pushing yourself will often lead to exhaustion and the more serious condition of adrenal fatigue.

    You have nothing to prove here mama!

    Give yourself a good 8 weeks before you start to even think about “getting back into shape” – I mean, where is the fire? Your body will return to a new kind of normal (let’s be honest, you have just given birth to a human, this human could go on to change the world, so lets give the experience some space!)You will learn to eat differently – especially if you are breastfeeding. You will have a different wake / sleep cycle for the best part of a year. You will need more energy and need to think about how you can distribute your energy wisely.

  2. Ask for help!
    Take it from a woman who has been there, done that. This is probably one of the hardest things to do. I know personally I found it very hard to ask for help, because I was so afraid of being perceived as “failing” or not being good as a mother. It has taken me 15 years to realise that it isn’t important what other people think. Hopefully you don’t care either! But if you do find yourself wondering “do they think I am a good mum?” OR “Am I the worst mother ever?” Then I really want you to talk about your feelings, to your partner, a friend or a perinatal therapist. Stopping the negative self-talk EARLY is a sure fire way of managing the postnatal months with ease.
    IF you are a feisty, independent, self reliant kinda gal, then you will no doubt have a “can-do” attitude that others can see! They might be relutant to offer to help, for fear of offending you (or getting their head bitten off!) Asking for help is a sign of strength – and people LOVE TO HELP! So let them:

    Ask your neighbour to cook a meal.
    Ask your friends to bring over food when they visit – instead of baby clothes.
    Ask your partner to cook dinner at least three times per week – even if he is working! (You are working too mama!)
    When in-laws or grandparents visit ask them to hang out the laundry.
    Call the ABA or Trescillian or Karitane – they are amazing support services who want to see you THRIVE!

Mama, I want you to THRIVE. I want you to be a Modern Gal and know that she needs to take it slowly, nourish herself, make positive choices for her body and life and know that she has a support system around her, if only she will allow it.

For those who have passed through the postnatal months – do you have more #postnatalhacks to share?


Throw out your air fresheners for the sake of your unborn baby!

Would you breathe this crap into your body?

2,6-dimethyl-7-octen-2-ol; 2-t-butylcyclohexyl acetate; butylphenyl methylpropional; c13-14 alkane; dipropylene glycol; ethyl linalool; ethyl methylphenylglycidate; hexyl cinnamal; linalool; methyldihydrojasmonate


For years I have shuddered with fear when I walk into a home that has plug-in style air fresheners or scented candles made by multinational corporations and sold in supermarkets all over the world. In every major shopping centre all over the country we are familiar with the scents spraying at us from the wall when we visited the loo or Parents’ room. Most people are just thankful we don’t have to smell poo or wee smells, but I can guarantee that by the end of this piece, you will wish you were smelling an organic substance rather than the chemical concoction that is filling your lungs, and then being spread to every cell in your body.

Air fresheners come in sprays, candles, sticks, plug ins and wax melts. The ads on tv will tell you that a fresh and clean home is in the way the “air” smells. We have been sold the lie that if it smells fresh then it is clean. And if it smells clean then it must be good for us.
This kind of marketing couldn’t be farther from the truth.

The chemical ingredients in your stock standard air fresheners, yes even the ones labelled “natural”, contain powerfully toxic substances that can affect your lung function, your hormones and your unborn baby. Butane is a common propellant, used for bbq cooking (we do this outside!!!!) but is being propelled into our homes every few minutes if you grab one of the time-controlled fresheners.
Fragrances or perfumes are chemical cocktails that are anything but natural, and some fragrance blends contain over 200 ingredients. Some of these ingredients are known irritants, causing headaches and dizziness– OMG this is frightening to me. We are BREATHING this straight into our lungs. But most people I know just don’t seem to care, they will say “just move into fresh air” or “you don’t feel dizzy after a few seconds pass” – but the problem is you should care!  The damage is already done, the chemicals are already in your bloodstream after just one inhalation.

Have you heard of the NRDC? The Natural Resources Defense Council was created in the 1970’s by attorneys, scientists and policy advocates “across the globe to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water, and the wild.” (Check out their vid here)

In 2007 the NRDC warned of the dangers of air fresheners, as their rise to popularity meant they could be found in almost 75% of American homes. The NRCD’s publication  warns of the toxic substance called phthalates (THA-lates) – and lists 5 forms of thalates that are recognised as potentially affecting reproductive health.  The major commercial brands are still using phthalates some ten years later, despite the research showing there is a clear link to the male hormone testosterone being affected –  just through inhalation. There is also research that shows babies are being affected in utero as well. There are plenty of pregnant mamas out there who could be potentially harming their own child by having these toxic chemicals in the home! Why are we not being warned?
One unsuspecting 25yr old woman suffered a heart attack after she inhaled an air freshener with a butane propellant (which is what most “spray fresheners” contain) on a trip to the grocery store. (read more here)

Do you suffer with asthma? Apart from making sure your diet is in check, you need to be careful about many factors, including the air you are breathing. Air fresheners have been linked to triggering asmtha attacks and decreasing lung function (read more here)

But it isn’t just inhalation from a product that is sprayed that can cause problems for us humans, it is also just touching the product (such as when you are opening the wax melts or unwrapping the candles) or by having the products sitting on the counter tops and just evaporating.
Want to know more about the products you have brought into your home, with the intention of creating a fresh, clean environment? (Click here)
So why isn’t the Australian government banning the sale of these potentially life threatening products? Because money talks and big industry has power in this country and all over the world. I have to note though, that it would seem that Europe cares more for its citizens than our government does, because many banned substances in Europe are freely allowed to be used here….we can be so antiquated in that respect don’t you think?

But now that you know, you can use your own personal power by choosing NOT to buy these products that are questionable at best, and dangerous at worst.

Living a healthful, vibrant and enjoyable life comes down detoxing and cleaning out all aspects of your life.

Do it little by little so you don’t get overwhelmed. Start with freshening the home environment so you can be sure your home is a refuge and sanctuary, designed for restorating and replenishing your health, and most importantly is safe for the whole family.

So how DO you ensure you have a fresh smelling home? The old fashioned ways……

  • Open windows and allow the breeze to filter through. Create a cross breeze where possible and ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS have a window slightly open at night in the bedrooms. (If safety is an issue get a lock.)
  • Ensure cupboards are free of mould, and if they do happen to get mouldy, use a product that will draw the damp out of the air (bi-carb soda works)
  • Get a dehumidifier and leave it on all day if your home is damp in certain rooms. Turn it off at night, cos they can be noisy. Add a drop of tea tree to the water catchment area. Mould smells musty and dank, so if you can smell it, but cant see it, then you know it is there.
  • Chop trees / shrubs that overhang the house, causing sunlight to not get through, remove leaf litter from gutters and put down gutter protectors
  • Make sure there is enough room under the house for water to flow (you will need to get a professional to assess this. But believe me, I lived in a rental for years that had awful issues with rising damp. It made me and my kids sick and meant that I couldn’t use the cupboards in the part of the room which were the dampest. Anything that stayed on the floor longer than a couple days would get covered in mould, and even my doona became infested with it. Countless shoes were ruined during my 3.5yrs in that house, and my entire bedding needed replacing. A mould inspector found the issue and we put steps in place to make sure it was as healthy as possible. But I would NEVER buy or rent a house with a damp issue again. It just isn’t worth the illness it causes).
  • Use cleaning products you make yourself. I use a 1L spray bottle, fill it with 20 drops dōTERRA lemon oil, 15 drops dōTERRA tea tree and 10 drops doTERRA On Guard. Then add 5mls oconut oil and the fill to the brim with water. (I prefer not to use vinegar but many people swear by it). This combo will clean, deodorise, disinfect and remove stains from bench tops, toilets, shower screens and any other surface you would usually use a store-bought cleaner for.
  • Purify the air naturally with therapeutic grade essential oils, but ONLY in a diffuser. Diffusing is different to “oil burning”, (which is where you put a candle under the bowl of oil and water – this changes the properties of the oils). Diffusing will send the pure oil into the air via steam vapour, making it easier for your body to take in. It freshens the air, and fragrances the air with nontoxic chemicals. My favourites to use are lemon, lime, wild orange, on guard and tea tree. But dōTERRA have soooo many options, you can literally choose any oil combination you like. But please, only use therapeutic grade (higher than food grade). To read more about why dōTERRA is my choice click here.


Try Working Softer, not Harder

You know the drill, it is splashed all over Facebook and instagram memes:


work hard – play hard

But I am calling B******t on this, and taking a stand for women (and men) everywhere who are TIRED, BURNED OUT, FEELING LIKE A FAILURE and just want to pull the covers up over their heads and hide for a while.
For the last year I have been working harder than I ever have, and have played less than I ever have. The reason? I’m trying to “get ahead”. But how has that worked out for me? I am now reduced to a shadow of my former vibrancy because I have glandular fever / mono, and my body and mind is completely exhausted.

So what is the problem? The problem for me is that this motto of “work hard, play hard” is not actually true for me. It isn’t congruent to my values and certainly does not fit my lifestyle. It is not part of my wants, only part of my perceived “shoulds”.
From an energetic perspective “shoulds” drain my energy and always leave me feeling like I am lacking somehow.  Have you noticed that in yourself?

After falling into a heap and thinking I had the worst case of tonsilitis ever, you can imagine my surprise when I was diagnosed with an illness that doesn’t just put you on your arse, but flat on your back in bed, unable to think clearly – and without the desire to think clearly! My body had taken the years of abuse (being pushed, late nights, thinking, planning, strategies, worrying, etc) and had slammed me as a final last ditch effort to get my attention!

I used to be a single mum. I have three kids. I was told by my ex husband to “work harder” when I asked him if he would cover some extra curricular sports the kids wanted to do and I wasn’t sure my budget would stretch for. Those small words, delivered such a punch to my gut, that they then became the driving force behind my determination to work work work and earn as much money as I can.
I never started my own business for the money. I started it because I have a particular technique that works and I wanted to help as many women as I could and work my own hours around my kids. The problem was that when I was single and had three little mouths to feed, it became about the money – and that’s where the internal conflict began to show its face.
In hindsight I can see very definite stages in my decline into this tired and worn-down version of myself, but it is hard to stop the momentum gathering when you are being pushed from behind by the words “work harder”.
I used to say “I will be successful just to spite him” and so I kept on pushing, letting this bitter energy feed itself over and over again at the cost of my vital chi or prana.

Okay so the lesson is learned, but my physical body now has a long road ahead to catch up to the spiritual lesson. When will it be over? Well my impatient soul wants to get on with it now – “yes lesson learned, now can I go back and earn money again”. Me thinks there is still a few months of healing to go yet (possibly more!)

What if we were to “work softer” and allow our internal guidance to speak to us? Middle aged men have epiphanies like this all the time – we call it a Mid Life Crisis and laugh it off, but it is happening at an increasing rate to middle aged women (oh god now I have this title too) who say “ENOUGH!!!” They have reared their kids to primary school or early high school. They have taken hardly any time off when the babies were born, for fear of financial strain (me) or sabotaging their career (many of my clients). They convince themselves it is fine “women in China give birth and go straight back to the rice paddy” (NO my dear, this is not good for you!) They also convince themselves that they can do everything “I don’t need any help, I got this!” and then they wonder why their zest for life has gone (or their lust for their partner.)

It’s our chi my love. Our chi is draining away in hours at the computer, deadlines, planning and improving our career. We aren’t taking the time to water the seeds in our seasonal garden. Did you know you have seasons in your life that need to be tended to in a different way? Without acknowledging the season we are in, and giving it all the love and attention and nutrients it needs, we can find that the harvest (sometimes years later) will not be as plentiful or impressive, or just plain rotten.

And that my dears is what is happening for me right now. I didn’t give myself time to heal after my babies were born. Out of fear I went straight back to work. In my case my work involves lots of giving out of my energy. Gladly I do this, but it has drained me. When I get home I give it out to my kids and partner. If it is not returned, or nurtured or replenished then what am I left with? I will tell you – I’m left with no chi! I’m left with a draining of my energy that leaves me cranky, easily irritated, short tempered, argumentative and a bit low. (Do you recognise these early warning signs?) Then I get more coughs and colds. I get intolerant to skin care and foods. I get more headaches. I feel sicker more often. I am exhausted by the end of a moderately busy week…and so it goes on.

SO what would have happened if I recognised my warning signs before they took hold and created the symptoms for a commonly known condition called glandular fever? (Because that’s all illnesses are – a collection of symptoms). I wouldn’t be in the dramatic predicament I find myself in now. I would have slowed down and rested more. And I would have realised I was spinning out of control earlier and got some help. That’s my big thing though – I don’t ask for help (or take it easily either). So there is a learning in how I choose to recover as well. I need to ask for help more and realise I am not weak, but allowing others to be strong for me. But that is a blog for another day.

So ladies (and I guess gents, if you are reading this far), I urge you to listen to your body when it is talking to you and saying “I don’t want to work harder”. You will no doubt find that you just need a few weeks of “working softer” to then come back into balance. You won’t lose your job – your boss probably won’t even notice – because working softer is a mindset. It’s an attitude adjustment. It isn’t about slacking off, it is about honouring self.

Which brings me to another point…..honouring self….lets discuss that next.

Until then, practice working softer, rest more often and laugh more.




The Mind/Body Connection

Put simply, the Mind/Body Connection is your ability to connect the symptoms your body shows you, with the way you think.
Simple? Not really….
Our busy lifestyle disconnects most of us from the simple conversation our body is always having with us. If you are always in conflict, or always fighting for justice, or recognition, or if you feel that you are always being wronged by others, then your body will start to shows signs of the struggle to be validated / heard / vindicated. This will show up as tension, inflexibility, heartburn, back aches etc.

Alternatively if you are practicing peace, let go of the need to be right, and have accepted “what is”, your body will be softer, more flowing and have less tension.

Do you ever say any of these phrases:
I can’t stand that person!
I’m digging in my heels on this one!
I’m kicking myself!
*if you use these phrases, what are your feet, or ankles or knees like?
Do you get chronic pain or do you often injure yourself in the leg area?
I haven’t got the guts!
I’m sick over that.
I’m gutted.
*if you use these phrases, do you often have tummy issues, or IBS or nausea?
They drive me crazy!
I’m out of my mind.
I’m going to lose it!
*if you use these phrases, are you often stressed out, or feel like you can’t cope or are overwhelmed?
Your mind is always thinking, and your tongue is always giving insight to your inner world. Sometimes, we don’t even realise the power behind the words we are saying.
If you do say any of the above phrases (or similar) make a decision TODAY to start re-phrasing your words, and then stop saying these kinds of things altogether.
You want your mind to focus on GOOD things, on HAPPINESS, on THANKFULNESS and LOVE – right? You don’t want to focus on stress, fear, conflict or pain. So if you clean up the words your mind will begin to focus naturally on phrases that feel good. I read somewhere once that “your word is your wand, so wave it around carefully!”
The old Disney song, “If You Can’t Say Something Nice…shhhh say nothing!” is very key here. Tame the tongue and your mind will become calmer. It is not “new age” philosophy, but ancient wisdom. Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad all spoke about listening more and talking less, about the power of words and how they can wound much more than a sword.
mind body connection

Next time you are tempted to use a “feeling phrase” such as “I’m sick to death of this guy!” STOP, breathe and re-phrase (at the very least) or LET IT GO…..because we don’t want you sick, or dead…….


Here are a couple common examples of clients we treat at the clinic:
 One day you might have a subtle headache. The next day you may have constipation. You are often feeling low in your mood. Your body feels sore around the neck and shoulders. You are stressed quite often and your headaches are getting worse. Then you realise your period has come early and so you put it down to “your cycle being out of whack’, and just accept it. Then you notice that your hair is falling out, or your nails are brittle. You are finding it hard to lose weight, and you are feeling anxious and stressed and your heart races.
These are warning signs of a thryroid that is not balanced.


The Mind/Body Connection* of thyroid issues says = I feel humiliated. I never get to do what I want to do! When is it going to be my turn?


You may experience heartburn fairly regularly, so you avoid the food you think causes the issue, but you always have a sore mid-back area so you work out a bit, because you heard that your core muscles could have something to do with it. You are always tired though, which you put down to not sleeping well because of the pain in your back,  but your partner says you snore all the time which may be causing the exhaustion?


The Mind/Body Connection* of Heartburn says = I am scared. I am very FEARFUL.


how emotions harm you
 My clients come in because of the headache or the back pain, not realising that something else much deeper than muscular is going on inside. That is why I started using Emotion Code techniques to muscle test, and to find out where imbalance lies in your body.
The way we think, the memories we have pushed down, the unchecked mental chatter that constantly runs in the back ground of our life can have a drastic effect on your physical, mental and spiritual health.
As a Mind/Body therapist, I can help you to piece together the symptoms to see a pattern, which you can then associate with your thought-life, and then start to work on getting healthier from there. It is a process. It is a journey, And to be honest, it is hardly ever easy. But I can promise you it is worth the commitment.
*taken from Louise L Hay “You Can Heal Your Life”

Spinal Health Week

Spinal Health Week

291 Port Hacking Road, Miranda 2228

Chiropractors: Clair Hogan, Cherie McAllister &
Peter Swift

 Specialising in family care using safe, gentle and effective techniques.
 The clinic offers a warm friendly environment with modern equipment and easy on-street parking.


 Special Offer for Spinal Health Week:
 Free computerised spinal scan analysis worth $60.00.

Phone Clair Hogan Family Chiropractic 9525 1808 to book your appointment and mention Belle.

 Offer available throughout Spinal Health Week
23rd – 28th May 2016.