Feeling Stuck? Practice Thankfulness & Gratitude daily


Who is feeling stuck??? You know the feeling…it is icky, you feel strangled somehow, like you are in a straight jacket and cant wiggle free.
Feeling stuck is the SIGN you were waiting for!!!
Feeling stuck means that it is becoming too uncomfortable for you to stay where you are…and that means things MUST change!


Only problem is, we can wriggle a little, wrestle a little, and then we have a bit more breathing room, and then we think “oh, this is all too hard, i think i will just be happy with what i have got” (or similar).
Problem is, we will run out of room again, and again, and again….until the pain of this cycle becomes too much!

I have totally been there! MANY TIMES. It is the sure sign that things can move in the direction of your dreams…if only you will have the courage to keep going.


You start writing in a journal….asking these questions daily:

“what do i need to feel fulfilled?”
“what does being fulfilled FEEL like?”
“what is my biggest, most daring, most audacious desire?”
“what would it FEEL like to achieve this?”
“what would my life LOOK and FEEL like if I achieved this?”
“how can i live my BEST life?”
“how can i GIVE BACK?”
“what kind of money do i need to be making each month in order to fulfill my dreams of blessing others and giving back?”

“Universe / God / Divine – please open the door to opportunity and help me to see opportunities as they come to me. Allow my eyes to be opened to joy, to help me be thankful for all that I have, and to have a heart that is wide open to receive all the love possible in this world.”

Practice writing down 3 things you are thankful for in your life every day! Make them small things, make them BIG things….just do this – EVERY DAY for at least a week, and see how your attitude changes.

BE PREPARED for people or situations to try to drag you down! It is a TRAP, and it a privilege to experience the trap because it means that we get to PRACTICE looking for the positive, or things to be thankful for. Only when you can start to see the positive in everything…most things…(looking for the SILVER lining) can you be assured that your mindset is shifting.

Life can be hard for people when we are trained to look for the crappiness,. It is like we are hard wired, from our parents, grandparents, extended family, teachers and social circle, to expect hardship. So often entrepreneurs are faced with negativity from those closest to them (hint: they aren’t entrepreneurs, and they think differently to you!) and it can drag you down. Be sure to practice your thankfulness and positive mindset daily, to ensure that you can be the shining light in this dark and moody world!

Manage your stuck-ness, BREAK THRU and be a light to others! Don’t expect others to follow you, or copy your mindset at first. Just be thankful they are noticing and realising their own “stuckness” too. You will realise when this happens cos people will say “gee you’re always so positive!” (with a tone that infers they think you are weird!)

If you REALLY want your life to change and look and feel better, you have to make a daily commitment to practice new skills of THANKFULNESS, REFLECTION, and ASKING in order to get there.

Love Your Body again…..(or for the first time)

Essential Oils for emotional healing…..

DoTERRA’s metabolic blend “Slim n Sassy” contains Grapefruit oil which has long been used to nurture self love and respect for the physical body. It supports those who struggle to honour their body and are caught in patterns of physical or emotional mistreatment.

Grapefruit oil can help:

Negative emotions – hate for the body, obsession with food or dieting, anxiety over appearance, eating issues
Positive Properties – respect for body, meeting physical needs, body-acceptance, nourished, healthy relationship with food.

These forms of abuse may include severe dieting, judging one’s body weight or type, and abusing the body through negligent behaviours or violence. These acts are often motivated by hate and disgust buried within the psyche which gets directed towards the physical body. Though the individual may obsess over how they look, they know deep down they will never feel good enough, nor look good enough.

Grapefruit oil is often misused in overly strict dietary and weight loss programs. The reason this oil helps to curb emotional eating is because it encourages a positive relationship with one’s body, based on love, tolerance and acceptance. Grapefruit encourages integrity by respecting one’s physical needs. This oils assists the individual in listening to their true physical needs and impulses. It also assists one in taking responsibility for what they feel.
Grapefruit teaches that no amount of food can fill a hole in the heart – only love can do that.

As the individual takes ownership of their feelings and gets the help they need to hide their feelings behind food, body abuse, strict regimes, eating issues or other forms of obsession.

During pregnancy a woman will go through many changes of loving and not loving her body. This is normal, however it becomes abnormal when a woman will restrict her food, or keep up an exhausting exercise regime that would put a non-pregnant person to shame!

Pregnancy is NOT a time for losing weight (unless of course you have been instructed by your doc to lose weight). It is not a time for being strict, and it is certainly not a time for obsessing over your weight gain.

Pregnancy IS a time for learning how to “go with the flow”, of how to eat in a way that nourishes AND satisfies – so that you and your baby can be as healthy and happy as possible. There is a direct correlation between the food you eat and your mood and emotional state – so if you are smashing the donuts and coke, you can imagine your emotional state will not be entirely stable….which will then send you down the rabbit hole into self loathing, guilt and shame afterwards. Believe me, this is a vicious cycle, and one you will find it hard to get out of.

Using this oil blend, or just grapefruit on its own during pregnancy, can help you to remain loving and caring whilst observing the changes your body is going through.



If you would like to have a deeper love for your body, feel self acceptance, and develop a healthier relationship with food, then use this oil daily as part of your “self care” regimen. Dab behind the ears, or (if not pregnant) drop 1-2 drops across your belly, whilst holding the intention “I love and accept myself”. 

To order Slim n Sassy CLICK HERE

To book an Emotional Clearing consultation with Belle email belle @ thebelleflowersclinic.com.au