Get your hands on Copaiba essential oil for inflammation

Have you been wanting to get some essential oils but dont know where to start?
Well, this month of May 2023 is a great place to begin your oils love affair as you will receive one of my fav oils for free – COPAIBA!

That’s right. Enrol with a single 125PV + order to receive 1 FREE Copaiba 5mL. Offer available 1 – 31 May 2023 only or while supplies last. ​

copaiba May promotion

Copaiba is an earthy oil known for its ability to affect the endocannabinoid system – the same one that weed affects. BUT copaiba doesn’t have any “drug” (psychoactive) affects, and wont show up on a drug test.
Copaiba targets receptors that may reduce inflammation, support the immune system and reduce pain (1).

With copaiba containing up to 87% beta-caryophyllene ( a sesquiterpene alkene), it is considered non-toxic, and is considered a functional nonpsychoactive, polypharmacological dietary cannabinoid and anti-inflammatory agent with a demonstrated activity on a number of receptor targets in the human body.

Chronic pain would be a key reason to choose copaiba oil as a daily topical oil.
Combine with lavender to help support neuropathic pain.
With cedarwood for anxiety and stress issues.

The endocannabinoid system plays a complex and critical role in the regulation of the stress response system in our body known as the HPA axis. This HPA axis manages homeostasis. Copaiba oil is said to help support this system.

The biological activities of copaiba essential oil were determined to be fast acting. In studies copaiba essential oil is found to encourage neuronal growth (nerve cell growth) in the nervous system. What is interesting is that copaiba oil was also found to activate apoptosis (the normal process of cell death which is absent in abnormal cells)(2).

Needless to say – most people could enjoy the biological effects of copaiba as stress affects most of the population. A simple swipe of the oil down the spine twice per day is fast acting, supports the nervous and immune systems and could help promote a better quality of life (with the reduced sensation of pain.)

Complimentary oils that blend well with copaiba: lavender, cedarwood, Lavender-Peace blend, frankincense, eucalyptus, Aromatouch blend, Balance blend.

To order go here:

(and follow the prompts. Use my ID 2076450)
For any ordering or oils support send me a message.
