Pregnancy Massage Clients
Q: Is it safe to have a massage when I am pregnant?
A: it is safe to enjoy massage therapy in all stages of your pregnancy, provided you are in experienced hands. Your therapist will ask you a series of questions to ascertain risk factors and to develop a treatment plan. If you are a high risk pregnancy, medical clearance is required by youy Obstetrician.
Q: I usually have deep tissue massage, can I have that now I am pregnant?
A: in short, yes! You can enjoy a deeper massage all throughout your pregnancy as long as it doesn’t cause you severe pain and discomfort. Remedial massage should always include periods of relaxation and soothing strokes, along with more demanding work. So be sure to let your therapist know if you need a break.
Q: I heard there are areas you can’t have massaged when you are pregnant – is this true?
A: at the BFC we believe that the body can withstand a regular massage all throughout pregnancy. However we do avoid areas such as the ankles and hands and top of the shoulders at some times during pregnancy. These can be explained to you during a consultation to help you better understand the function of these areas and why they may be an issue.
Q: Will laying face-down hurt my baby while I have a massage?
A: No. We use a custom-designed table (By Belle and her table designer) that allows the belly to be safely cradled throughout the massage.
Q: will the face-down position hurt my pelvis?
A: No. We use layers of toweling under your belly which cradles the pelvis and belly. We also avoid working deeply into the lumbar area – preferring to use satellite trigger points – which means there is limited downward pressure on the lower back, thus protecting the pelvis.
Q: Does Induction Massage really work?
A: We would have clients who answer YES to this question and we also have clients who say NO!
We believe that babies are born when the timing is right, so we can employ some “induction” techniques to help assist your body and get things moving. WE don’t perform these techniques until after 37 weeks in low risk pregnancies, and never with a client who has a scheduled c-section. We do not guarantee results, and therefore include these techniques as part of a regular treatment.
Remedial Massage Clients
Q: Why do I need remedial massage?
A: Remedial Massage is a term used to describe a corrective form of massage therapy to help reduce pain, increase length in a muscle, rebalance the body and find greater range of movement. You need remedial massage if you suffer from chronic pain conditions like headaches, tendonitis, difficulty in movement of joints, TMJ pain, sciatica, rotator cuff injury, Pelvic dysfunction in pregnancy, Pubis symphysis dysfunction in pregnancy plus much more.
Q: Is remedial massage going to hurt?
A: my answer to that is yes and no! Sometimes if you are carrying pain, then the only way through is for the pain to be released. At other times the muscles release smoothly and without resistance, with no pain at all. Imperfect posture, over working muscles, negative thought patterns, all contribute to an imbalanced state in the body – thus resulting in a pain sensation. Sometimes it is inevitable that pain will come as your body heals. Your therapist knows how to manage your experience and will work with you to achieve a deep state of relaxation whilst managing the healing.
Q: is there ever a time when I shouldn’t have remedial massage?
A: yes! If there is swelling to the area from trauma, bruising, bleeding. And we also work carefully if you are within 72hrs of an injury.