It’s time to reset your nervous system and thrive

polyvagal theory explains the vagus nerve and the fight or flight response

Working long hours, family demands, financial challenges, and of course maintaining relationships, whilst caring for those you love – can all take its toll on your nervous system .
Many women find their cycle becomes affected, and fatigue is a common symptom of a stressed out adult!

Talking therapies only work until a point, exercising can sometimes further burn you out, and over indulging may become more common that you would like.
Perhaps it is time for a system reset to get you back in control of your life?

What is the Vagus nerve and why is it important?

The Vagus nerve is the 10th pair of cranial nerves that originate in the brain stem and travel down past the oesophagus, past the heart and lungs, and plunges deep into the abdomen.

  • It has a motor function – stimulates muscles in the pharynx, larynx, and soft palate; and stimulates muscles in the heart, where it plays a role in lowering resting heart rate.
  • It has a sensory function – sensation behind the ears and parts of the larynx (voice box).
  • It also has a visceral function where it monitors the internal organ environment, supplying information for the larynx, esophagus, lungs, trachea, heart, and most of the digestive area.

The autonomic nervous system comprises both the sympathetic (fight or flight) and the parasympathetic (rest and digest) branches.
The parasympathetic nervous system allows the body to relax and rest, and to assimilate the food you eat. The body will find it difficult to move into a restful state when it is sick, under mental pressure and strain, or when it is exhausted. It is for this reason that stress management and energy healing is so important. It is impertive to a healthy body and mind.

When the vagus nerve becomes dysregulated or weak, you will struggle to tap into your rest and digest state. This may lead to feelings of stress and anxiety, with varied external and internal signs and symptoms :

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Aggression
  • Emotional dysregulation
  • Indecision
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Difficulty concentrating or brain fog
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Chronic pain (particularly gut)
self massage can be helpful to reset your vagal tone, you will learn how to do this in your session with Belle

The Polyvagal Theory

Developed by Dr Stephen Porges, the Polyvagal Theory explains the nervous system feedback in a loop to the brain’s command centre, instructing it to be on alert (fight or flight) or relaxed (rest and digest). In short, it is all about safety.
If the brain interpets the feedback and decides the body is not safe, then the heart will beat faster, blood pressure will rise and digestion will not be a priority. Conversely, if the brain deems the body safe, then the opposite effect will happen.

In today’s busy stress filled world. it is easy to forget to process, or release built up stress and tension. It is not uncommon to use food or alcohol, or sexual behaviour to distract from pain, grief, hurt, failure or shame.

When the body is always feeling negative emotions and stress, it can leave a lasting impression of anxiety or depression, and chronic fatigue or PTSD can result.

It is time to hit the reset button

Nervous System Balance program is for people who are feeling the effects of too much stress and not enough rest, and who want to start thriving again.

The program is designed to be completed over 6-8 weeks, and involves 6 x 90min balancing sessions.

No two sessions are the same, and with personalised, simple to follow daily routines of movement, breathwork and meditation tools balance can be restored to the nervous system.

What to expect
A series of sessions you will attend via zoom, that will include mindset coaching, as well as polyvagal theory-inspired exercises, to bring yourself back into balance.

With a nervous system reset you will:

– sleep better

– feel more calm

– feel more in control of your life

– enjoy improvement in your relationships

– get your mojo back

– enjoy life again

Working on releasing stored stress, reducing the mental chatter and developing routines around building safety within the body are the cornerstone for calming the nervous system.

This program is a reset, that will produce better quality of life and habits that will serve you for a lifetime. No matter what the challenges are that you face, movement, meditation and mindfulness will be appropriate.

Pregnancy and Depression

There is hope. You can feel better.


Pregnancy is a really special time and one that can brig such joy. BUT let’s be real – in this covid world, pregnancy can be tinged with fear. And fear can lead to feelings of depression. You might have an unwanted pregnancy; be in an abusive relationship; or be feeling unwell.
There are so many reasons why depression comes knocking, but there isnt a lot of help out there, and many women feel ashamed that they are feeling the way they do.

Belle is an expert in working with pregnant women, helping them feel safe, calm and in control. And she can support you if you are experiencing depression – no matter the cause.
Belle explains:
“Research by my hero Dr Tiffany Field (Uof Miami) has shown that massage therapy is superior to muscle relaxation or mindfulness in its effect on bringing down levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in women who have 4mths of pregnancy massage. “

A simple massage with experienced hands not only helps to reduce cortisol but INCREASE serotonin and dopamine (neurotransmitters).


As many as 30% of women experience postnatal depression in the first 3mths following childbirth. In another study by Dr Field, it was shown that mums experienced LESS anxiety after a 5-week period of massage therapy each week of only 30mins.

What about the babies?

The babies were found to have HIGHER birth weight and a lower chance of premature birth AND lower cortisol levels, too after having experienced massage whilst in utero!

How can Belle help you?

When Belle works with you during a Pregnancy massage / healing session, she brings her expert care and experience into the room. BOTH you and bub are catered to, and BOTH will experience the benefits of a 60min treatment. In the study mentioned above, the participants experienced EITHER massage, OR muscle relaxation processes, OR mindfulness practice… YOUR session with BELLE you will receive ALL 3 practices…..triple the benefits!

If you are anxious, depressed or just a little nervous, Belle’s healing hands and comforting approach to healing can help you to feel better. Give her a call today and begin your process of healing.


Is your Job making you sick?

Have you ever wondered if your job is making you sick?
Whether your current way of working is keeping you in “survival mode” because of the “urgency” of all your projects and how you must act immediately and be available 24/7?

Are the constant headaches, the neck and shoulder tension, the aching lower back and the tummy bloating and pain is all a result of a really stressful job?
Is the anxiety you feel, the constant nervy feeling in your body, the restless legs and the the lack of energy all a result of your job stress?

Do you refuse to take time off even when you are sick with the snott monster and just want to sleep, because you have a fear of taking sick leave because of what other people think?

Do you push through and open your computer even when your whole body hurts?

I have worked with countless people during the pandemic and ALL of them have worked while they had virus symptoms.

Isn’t that a sad statistic?
It makes me wonder what kind of illness will actually justify you taking time off to rest, relax, sleep and convalesce?
I mean – how sick do you need to get in order to actually give yourself time to heal?

The problem is that we have skewed the priorities of what is important and have decided that “letting others down” is more important than recovering from an illness our bodies have never had to fight before.

If there is one time in our lives that it is important to give our bodies rest, it is during this pandemic and we have symptoms!

The hustle of having to face emergency after emergency is not limited to hospitals – it can be bosses who yell, are moody, are unpredictable and lack empathy that will create stress in your mind, which moves to your body.
Time critical projects, and the feeling that you simply MUST keep grinding otherwise your job may be on the line, builds in your system as levels of stress hormone, which puts pressure on your heart and other organs.

In my opinion Working From Home has been the WORST thing to happen to workers since industrialisation! Why? Because it means you are working from the moment you wake up – unless you have excellent work/life boundaries in place.

Hands up if you have started work at 7am, (while the house was quiet) and worked through lunch, and then quickly put washing out, then vacuumed, then picked the kids up from school and then cooked dinner and then “finished off those last few things” after 8pm?

And please don’t forget what happened to your nervous system during lockdown, when you had to work a 40+hour week AS WELL AS managing the home schooling / preschool care AND all meal times and the increase in household cleaning due to everyone being home 24/7.

Our bodies were simply not designed to operate at high intensity all the time. We are designed to rebalance, recuperate and come back to a baseline.

The question I ask is, could your job be making you sick?

The answer is a resounding YES. Look at how many companies have defibrillators in their buildings. I am not saying the relationship is causal, but I do believe that the constant stress workers are under, plus interpersonal relationship strains, financial pressure and questionable lifestyle habits all create the perfect environment for cardiac events. And that time-sensitive project may be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

I believe it is time that we started to re-prioritise how we view work and what it is doing to our wellbeing.

It is important for each worker to take personal responsibility for their own care and wellbeing. The old adage – if you don’t care about yourself, no one else will, holds true here.
This also includes employers taking responsibility for the environment they create for themselves and others.
The way we live in our modern world is very different to centuries past, however the hustle is only increasing, and the demands on our physical and mental wellbeing is increasing. There is no end in sight except for a holiday each year (if you can afford it) and then it is right back into the grind.

As someone who is living and working in their ideal career, and has created a workplace that I love to go to, I feel sad that this is not the experience of many people I work with. The majority only work because they “have to” and if they could they would retire as early as possible. Or they would work in a different industry for lower pay if they could afford it.

The feeling of being trapped by your work, or the number of hours you must work is a key ingredient that causes a spike in the stress hormones in your body and makes you feel pretty miserable in general. Cranky, irritable, poor sleep, hormonal shifts, weight gain, depression and increased anxiety are all to be expected when 5 days per week you are hating having to work, but feel that you “must”.

What can you do about it?

There are plenty of options. The first is to quit.
However, I am pretty sure that you will give me a myriad of excuses as to why this is absolutely not the solution.
The second option is to ask for a pay rise – but would more money make you like your job more?
The third option – drop the number of days you work – but can you live on a reduced income? (Most people can, they just don’t want to make those budget adjustments).
You could look for another job – but this requires effort that you may not have the energy for.
You could begin studying so you can move into the career that you dream of – but this will bring up lots of limiting beliefs and lack of confidence or self -esteem issues you have buried. And this may feel too scary to tackle right now.

^^^^^ This is the list my clients give me and all the excuses that arise when we look at those options.

Here is another way

You can choose to work on the thought patterns that make you stressed, your beliefs around work and why you keep showing up the way you do. You can release the trapped emotions that are keeping you stuck in the loop of hustle and grind. You can work on developing incredible self-esteem so you can put firm work boundaries in place which ensures rest and recovery as part of your workday.

Emotion Code and Energy Healing are the tools that WILL turn your life around. but don’t expect a magic healing in one session! There is a process you need to undergo in order to un-pack the energy strands you are holding, and to re-wire your brain to THRIVE on rest rather than STRESS!

This is why I have created a Nervous System Balance program that is especially for people who are feeling the effects of a high-stress work-life and who want to enjoy their life and start thriving again.

The program is designed to be completed over 6-8 weeks, and involves 6 90min balancing sessions. I will help you to develop a quick daily practice of simple to follow exercises that are proven to re-balance your nervous system, which will reduce the stress you feel in your body.
– identify your blocks and self-sabotage that keep you feeling stuck
– learn how to reduce the mental chatter that keeps you stressed
– sleep better
– feel more calm
– feel more in control of your life
– improve your relationships
– get your mojo back
– enjoy life again

Don’t wait until you get really sick before you start to take back control and turn your life around.

Why do we want to retreat when life feels too hard?

Dreaming of life off-grid? There is a similar theme I am hearing lately of people wanting to retreat and run to a place that is ‘off grid’ and away from all the people or circumstances that stress them; concern them or make them feel fear about life and the future of the world in general.

It causes a great deal of anxiety in the people who are feeling this way, as quite often they are normally so socially engaged and involved. It causes disrupted sleep patterns, a lack of motivation to do healthy daily habits and quite often affects relationships due to changes in mood and interests.

So what is happening and why the sudden change?

It turns out that this is not such a sudden change, rather it has been happening in the cells of their body long before they are conscious of what is going on.

Bruce Lipton, PhD explains an experiment he conducted in The Biology of Belief that isolated cells in a petri dish. He observed that cells will move towards “nutrients” and away from “toxins” when they are in a petri dish. The cells will not go in both directions at the same time. It’s a case of one or the other. He also refers to this as the cells being in “growth” or “protection” states respectively. This movement towards what is good/healthy or away from what is bad/unhealthy is observed to be an instinctual response to support the health of the cells and prevent dis-ease of the cells.

Therefore, if this is happening on a cellular level in an organism, you can be sure this is happening on a global scale for the entire being itself.

Let’s look at what happens when we are engrossed in a conversation with someone. We lean in, we might touch their arm, and we will step towards the other person.

The opposite is true if we do not like a person, or we do not like what is being said. We instinctually step back (retreat) as a form of protection against the conversation.

The body and now the mind is quite literally responding to move away from perceived toxicity and a need to protect oneself.

This is what is happening when a person desires to run away and “get off grid” due to the pandemic, the loss of freedoms, the angst, the uncertainty, and the disbelief at what they are perceiving in the world today.

Many of the anti-vax movement are disillusioned by what they are seeing (perceiving) in the world today, which produces a visceral (deep bodily sensation) response which culminates in this wanting or yearning for a simpler life, away from the restrictions and imposed or perceived controls by the government.

But it isn’t only the “anti-vaxxers” who are wanting to run away from all the people! It is the average John or Jane who are tired of the hustle and bustle of daily life, and are feeling a call to slow down and create a more simplistic life.

If you recognise this feeling inside of you – this urge to just get away from all the people and take your family to go live a simpler life of ease and flow…remember you can find this now in this moment. It is all about your perception. Just as Dr Lipton showed in the petri dish, what you think about, you will become. Therefore you actually do get to make the choice to think of yourself as free or as controlled. Freedom starts in the mind, and then flows out into your physical being.

Our perceptions are what controls our cells, it is not the other way around. Our brain is a powerful controller, let me show you:

Imagine a red flower. See it bright shiny and red.

You can do that can’t you?

Now I want you to imagine you are on a beach in the warm sun, drink in hand and you can feel the gentle sea breeze cooling you down.

You can do that too can’t you?

But how? You most likely aren’t on a beach right now (if you are, then imagine you are in the snow with your bathing suit on!)

Our mind has the ability to imagine, dream up or create pictures in our mind – and then our mind will perceive sensations in our body. If it is warm sun, you can imagine this sensation. If it is cold snow you can imagine this too.

The same is with a perception of fear. If you have been feeling the urge to run and live off-grid then I imagine you are wondering what sort of future you are raising your children to live in? This often invokes a fear-response.

It could be called Future-Traumatic Stress Disorder (FTSD).

The results are similar though – the body kicks off into a stress response from a trigger. In the case of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) the event has already happened, and the person’s nervous system and processing centre are not working in present state and time. It is muscle memory, visceral memory, like a jamming of the circuits that affects the entire body.The same can be said in a lesser degree for those experiencing FTSD. They are effectively ‘jamming their circuits’ by focusing on what hasn’t yet happened, but get angry, frustrated or scared by just thinking about the future.

This doesn’t mean thinking about and planning for the future isn’t necessary and a good strategy. The problem is when the future thinking becomes pathological and can affect the mood and behaviour of a person in present state and time.

The desire to retreat and go “off grid” is a common sentiment by those who are worried about the future of the world in which they live. Whether the world at large or their corner of the world.

Just speak to people in major cities and they will tell you “I have to get out of the city mate”. Pertaining to the heavy lockdowns, job losses, loss of freedom to move around, mandates and more.

This is why it is important to understand what is happening in their bodies at a cellular level as well as at the level of the mind so that healing can be undertaken to restore balance.

When the lockdowns are removed, the world goes back to a new normal. However the body is still holding the energy of the experience. Suspicion can sneak in, uncertainty can become the default mode of daily life, and anxiety begins to sky-rocket. The slightest upset to normal life and you can find yourself having an extreme or unusual reaction, and you wonder why.

Well its just biology and a bit of energetics. Your cells have been locked in “protection” mode. They aren’t growing, they aren’t replacing themselves, they aren’t functioning in a mode of health that comes when you are balanced and feeling calm and safe. No wonder you are tired all the time can’t sleep or switch off. Your skin might look dull, your hair lifeless, your tummy gives you some trouble, and don’t even talk to me about the reflux – off the chart lately!

All you need is to retreat into the country, or to a deserted beach somewhere far from the city to leave the bright lights and the hustle, and throw your phone in the bin. Right?

Wrong. You’ll be taking your cells with you.

The only way to manage this is to dedicate some time daily to rebalancing your entire nervous system and quieting your mind. However when you are in a highly up-regulated state this is near impossible! Your mind isn’t calm and clear, your mind is busy, it is constantly trying to figure things out and it is doing itself in.
So here is what I suggest you do – start gently. Erase the desire to clear your mind, and simply focus on filling it – with a really deep breath in. Then a really long slow exhale.

Take some time to designate 5mins every day to resting, deep breathing and restoring yourself. Daily conscious habits to bring your baseline back to the present-tense so you aren’t freaking yourself out with future thinking.

Concentrate on how good it feels to go outside and sit on the grass and breathe deeply. Play your favourite music, sit in the shade and enjoy the breeze. Watch a motivational speaker while you sit near a tree and breathe deeply.
Notice I am not saying “close your eyes and focus on nothing” ? That is because it is impossible to go from a state of high alert to a state of clear and calm in only one step. You need a few more steps in between.

It takes discipline to begin to change the narrative in your mind, so that you are affirming life and health for yourself, rather than getting stuck in the downward spiral of fear and suspicion.

So start with: sitting down. Listening to something that makes you feel good. Breathe deeply.

I suggest dedicating 5minutes of this to start with. It will be enough, and it will give you really good results quickly. The simplicity of this may make you feel like it is not enough, however I encourage you to trust the process of learning how to unwind and come back into balance in your nervous system.

Now more than ever it is imperative to learn the warning signs in our body and mind when we are overstimulated by the external world and also by our own mind. Stress, anxiety, depression, apathy and loss of happiness in daily life are all signs that you are overdoing it and need to down-regulate.

Don’t wait. Begin today and start feeling better.

Better yet, why not set aside a full day for you to retreat with other women at one of my upcoming day retreats in the south of Sydney.

contact me for details!

The lates oil to be released from doTERRA could be a God-send for many people.

In a world exclusive doTERRA has created a unique blend of Copaiba oil which combines 4 species of Copaifera*. 

So why has the Oily World gone crazy over it?


Copaiba is a powerful oil that affects the same receptor sites in the body as marijuana  – without the “high” or the trouble with the police!

This oil does not contain THC, and yet it packs a powerful punch that can ease stress associated with being in constant pain (thus reducing the pain response), it can help support the digestive system, reduce inflammation in injured tissues and support immune, respiratory and cardiovascular function. 

The creators of this oil blend are humble, but I am here to tell you that this baby is a game changer for anyone who has suffered with constant pain which puts them on the couch, and out of action for days at a time.

The Science: 

Copaiba works on the Enodcannabinoid system which is made up of CB1 and CB2 receptors. The Central Nervous System and Brain (responsible temperature regulation and appetite, among others things) contain CB1 receptors. 

CB2 receptors are found in the endocrine and immune systems. If a chemical affects the CB1 or CB2 receptors they are known as cannabinoids. Marijuana affects CB1 and affects hunger or gives the user “the munchies”.  A “runner’s high” is a result of exercise affecting a response from the CB1 receptors. 

Now, this isn’t the place for a heated “legal / illegal debate” about the use or medical marijuana to heal and soothe people living with chronic pain, dealing with cancer, or being highly stressed. I have my opinions, and I am sure you have yours too. So let’s shelve all that for now….

However, what you do need to know is that there are 3 different types of cannabinoid and Copaiba oil is one of them (aka  BCP: BCP, or Beta-CaryoPhyllene). It affects CB2 receptors and offers superior support for many areas of the body and traditionally has been used to support the body’s natural response to injury or irritation and supports healthy digestion.



Take INTERNALLY daily (you can combine with Frankincense for a booster) to help support over health – instead of  paracetamol you could take this instead.

DIFFUSE in the home to calm the mind and ease physical symptoms.

Applied TOPICALLY to affected areas with coconut oil to soothe tissues that are inflamed or injured. Combine with Cedarwood to give it a little deeper boost.


So how do you get your hands on this oil?


IF you are already a Wellness Advocate and have a doTERRA account, then you can order through your Back Office from 2 October 2017

If you are YET TO BECOME A MEMBER then simply click here and follow the prompts to set up an account and become a part of my team. You get weekly support, are entitled to free consults each quarter to learn more precisely how to up-level your health and wellness, and you get to jump into an online Oily world where everyone wants to support you and you will never be alone!


During October if you purchase a Home Essentials Kit & the Life Long Vitality Pack I will gift you with a FREE bottle of Copaiba oil. This is open to everyone! Even if you are already a member on my team.
These two kits will give you superior quality nutrition, helping to support your body from the inside out. The LLV pack is made up of bioavailable nutrients that may be lacking in your diet. (
Lifelong Vitality Pack: watch this vid to find out more) The Home Essentials kit contains 10 oils that can transform the toxic chemical profile of your home (meaning NO MORE cleaning products!), boost immune system, lift mood, support a clear and balanced mind plus much more. 

Used together, you will find that you get sick less, spend less money at the doctor or chemist, and have a Natural First Aid Kit right there in your kitchen that is safe for the whole family.

Home Essential Collection : I will send you my free ebook “100 Uses of Essential Oils” when you order this kit.


Soldier On This Winter?

When you have a cold or flu (a real flu where you have aches and pains and fever, and you have trouble lifting yourself out of bed) – what is the best way to treat this?:

A) soldier on, and take cold and flu “medicine” and go to work.
drink a glass of Harden Up and go to work.
C) call in sick to work, take 1 drop of  *On Guard* essential oil by doTerra in a shot glass of water, have a warm shower, eat small nutrient rich meals like Chicken soup, cover yourself in a doona and retreat to the bed or lounge for a couple days to allow yourself rest and recuperation, and don’t feel “bad” that you aren’t at work doing something “really” important (whilst you expose others to your germs).

If you chose (c) then not only would you be putting yourself FIRST, but you would be honouring those around you by keeping them away from your germs.

In my opinion, the trouble with the Codral “soldier on” campaign is that it is asking people to reject the warning signs their body is showing, and to keep on living as if your body is healthy and well. I admit it – I have taken Codral cold and flu over the course of my adult life. And sometimes I have felt relieved that my symptoms have abated for a few hours. Usually, if I am really unwell, I will be watching the clock 3.5hrs after the first dose, ready with glass of water in hand to down the next dose. Some days I have known that I just “have to” keep going.

But what about the days when I know I can actually call in sick – or I know that it is better for me to cancel clients so I can protect them from my germs? I don’t take any cold & flu tablets on these days, and I try to look after my body the way nature intended.

For many people they haven’t learned natural health care, nor do they know how to read the signs of the body, so this blog is a small introduction to that.

Health Care vs Sick Care?medicine is not care

Dr Bradley Nelson – the creator of The Emotion Code and The Body Code (of which I am certified and currently undergoing certification, respectively) talks about how the American (and obviously Australia is following) Health Care system is actually based in “symptom chasing” rather than “making well”.

For example: “Katie goes to her doctor about a persistent cough she has had for 4 weeks now. Her doctor says “Take some Amoxicillan (penicillan) that should help you.” As a result, the cough goes, however she develops thrush which is a known side effect of antibiotics. So she goes back to her doctor and he/she says “Take some Diflucan. That should help you.” So she gets rid of the thrush symptoms, but now has depression, as thrush infections can often cause low grade depression and do can Diflucan treatment. So her doctor says “Take some Anti-depressents. That should help with your low mood.” So she starts to feel more like her herself, except her blood pressure rises, which is a known side effect of some anti-depressants. So her doctor says “Take some blood pressure medication. That should help you.” So Katie now has her blood pressure under control. However she has developed a persistent cough, which is a side effect of her blood pressure medication”. So her doctor says “Here, take some penicillin. That should help you”……. and around the cycle goes.”

You see, the doctors are chasing the symptoms, and yes the medicines are working on fixing he symptoms, but sometimes they create more symptoms. Rather than boosting the immune system and helping the person get well, increase vitality and energy and ultimately help them feel better, they can cause all manner of other symptoms that the untrained/uneducated person will not know how to put 2 + 2 together and come up with “Hang on a minute! This isn’t Health Care – this is SICK CARE!”

I believe it is imperative that lay people (that is – YOU and ME) begin to learn how to take control of their health by learning simple methods to “check in” with their body and see how they are doing. Meditation is a good place to start, but so often it is considered “too hard” and so people often won’t continue to try. So what else can you do if you want to start learning how to read your body’s signs that there may be disharmony or imbalance in your body?

Give yourself a little Health Quiz and Check In with yourself:

1. You can note how you are sleeping. Are you getting less than 7 hours sleep each night? Do you constantly yawn and find it hard to get going without a coffee? Do you remember your dreams? Do you have nightmares? Do you wake after 10 hours sleep and still feel tired? Do you fall asleep easy but wake at the same approximate time each night? o you have insomnia? Do you have sleep apnoea?  All the answers to these questions give you an indication of what is going on for you.

2. Do you eat a balanced diet? By balances I do not meal 3 squares and then some cheeky “treats” that you won’t mention to me if I asked you. But by balanced I mean do you eat carbs and proteins and veggies and fruits and have a wide selection from each food group? Do you pick all day long? Do you crash around 3-4pm and binge on sweet things to make it through to “home time”? Do you drink your calories with flavoured drinks and milks and soft drinks? Do you eat late at night in front of the telly? Do you skip breakfast? Do you drink water? (or do you not like the taste of it?)

3. Do you have random aches and pains in your knees? Shoulders? Neck? Hips? Do you have chronic lower back pain that was once from a disc injury that never really got better? Are you always complaining about something hurting?

4. Do you have a vast medicine cabinet?

5. Do you have low energy and nothing seems to make it better? Do you drink lots of coffee? Energy drinks? Chocolate?

6. Are you overweight and if someone asked you about it, you would say “I just can’t seem to lose weight” ? Do you feel like your body doesn’t actually represent the way you feel about yourself?

7. Do you suffer from regular colds, runny nose, random cough, catch everything the kids have? Do you always get headaches or PMS, or bad menstrual cramps?

8. Do you exercise regularly? Do you get enough sex that you want/need or is your sex drive low and you could care less?

9. Do you enjoy doing things on your own? Do you indulge yourself in hobbies or recreations that you always wanted to do?

10. Do you drink more than 3 times per week or take the odd spliff or other recreational drugs? (no judgement, just a question. God knows I recreationally assaulted my body with more sugar than is necessary for years – but that is the topic of another blog).

GO ON, go back and honestly answer the questions above and start to put together a story about how your life / body actually IS. Not how you want it to be, but how it is today. From there you will be armed with areas you want to change and improve, or seek help and guidance from people who know more than you. But how do you know who to ask or what to work on if you never take a moment to actually put pen to paper and write it down. When you can actually look at yourself on paper (rather than all up in your head) you will be able to see things more clearly.

WHY is a real “sickie” not taken, but we “chuck sickies” when we aren’t sick when we really need to?

In this day and age people tend to put others first and leave themselves last. This means when we “soldier on” through a heavy cold or flu we are actually draining our body’s reserves of vital energy needed for healing. WHY do we do this?

Change begins with YOU. And ME. This winter, if you feel crappy, listen to your body and take yourself to bed/lounge when you have to. If you have kids this is hard to do. But a couple days letting the kids watch telly and make mess is better than keeping on going doing your usual routine out of feeling like you “have to”.
Be courageous this winter, and take a stand – FOR YOURSELF – and see how you feel.

After answering these questions you many have many more you want to ask!

If you feel you would benefit from a FREE 15min Wellness chat to see how we can help you with the
Emotion Code technique then email to schedule a Skype chat or appointment in the clinic. Break free from the constant merry-go-round of sick care and take back control of your life.

How to use *On Guard*: 1 drop daily in water to boost immune system. Gargle 1 drop in water at first sign of throat pain. Rub on soles of feet daily to boost immune system (dilute for kids).
Available in Clinic for $55 (approx 250 drops).

The Stress – Body Pain – Sugar Connection

In my clinic I have observed that the majority of my clients:

  • Suffer from daily/ weekly / monthly bouts of sore neck, shoulders and headache pain.
  • Report their unstoppable “addiction” to sugar, (or chocolate more specifically) in times of stress.
  • Detail their constant feeling of being overwhelmed, stressed, or just plain exhausted in their daily life.

This got me thinking…….is there a connection?

As a massage therapist, I see the results of not breathing correctly and the effect it has on one’s posture, mind and emotions. When we shallow breathe, we engage the muscles of the front of our neck, and over use the upper chest / pectoral muscles. This inevitably leads to tension in these muscles from chronic overuse. This then affects the upper back and shoulders muscles (rhomboids and trapezius muscles) and we feel intense pain in between our shoulder blades, and across the top of the shoulders. You may even end up looking like your shoulders are always up around your ears. You may even feel like you have “the weight of the world on your shoulders”.

Take a moment to press gently into the space just above your collarbone. Is it tight and resistant? Does it hurt if you press deeply (go easy!)? This could be a sign that you are not breathing deeply, and are in a constant state of stress (even if you don’t “feel stressed”.) Deep Tissue Massage helps to gently but firmly assist in releasing stressed and tight muscles, to allow them to become more pliable.

Those that have experienced Deep Tissue Massage may remember being coached to breathe deeply while the massage is taking place. This helps to give these muscles a rest from their normal “shallow breathing job” and give the muscles of the diaphragm their proper time and space to do their work! This massage technique encourages deep relaxation as your mind is focused simply on breathing deeply through the tight muscles.

Stress is known to cause headaches, light-headedness, shallow breathing, feelings of tiredness, cold hands and feet, jaw grinding, general body pain, increased thoughts of worry and anxiety. Not to mention tummy pain and IBS, reflux and heartburn.

Sugar, specifically Fructose is connected to both stress and shallow breathing, (Sweet Poison Gillespie D, 2007 Penguin Group).

Fructose is found primarily in ripe fruits, which is why it is called “fruit sugar”. It is present in honey, maple syrup and agave syrup. Look at any packaged cereal, or muesli bar or yoghurt in your kitchen and you are sure to find it on the label somewhere. It is literally in almost everything these days!

Fructose has been linked with heart disease, stroke, PCOS, infertility, depression and anxiety, IBS, general body pain plus more.

When you eat foods that contain Fructose, it literally elevates the Cortisol levels in your bloodstream. The “stress-hormone” – Cortisol- is released by the body in periods of threat, whether they are physical or mental. Our body is meant to cycle through periods of calm, then high stress, then recovery, then peace, and then high stress and so on. The high stress state is meant to be fleeting. However for most, it is almost constant, which creates a state of imbalance in the body, resulting in general pain, headaches, muscle tension plus heaps more.

Most people I know spend the majority of their waking moments in the high stress phase, and almost never recover. Most of the people I know feel hurried, stressed, overwhelmed and “just coping” most of the time.

It is important to learn how to recover after a period of high stress, whether it is daily or weekly, that is separate from reaching for the chocolate or something else that is sweet, in order to move beyond your frustrations.

Learning to breathe deeply can be of immense help. Getting stuck in traffic may put you over the edge – why not count your deep inhalations until the traffic moves again? A colleague may push your buttons at the morning meeting, but instead of having another coffee with two sugars, make yourself practice “belly breathing” when you get a moment to yourself.

This seemingly simple plan helps you to recover from the initial stress of the situation, and then move beyond it for the rest of the day.

A daily or weekly meditation session could help you to finally release all that pent up anger / aggression / hostility / bitterness in a deeper way.

So if you breathe shallowly, have sore muscles, tummy issues, heart problems, weight issues, and a racing mind, sugar and stress could be said to be partly (or wholly) to blame for it!

An integrated approach to healing your body and mind is the best way to better health.
Here are my tips:

  • Learn how to relax. From here you can better listen to your body and respond when you feel pain, or just “off”.
  • Treat yourself with things you like doing, (not with food, which is usually a sweet item that will further exacerbate the problem). This is where deep tissue massage and relaxation and meditation classes all come into play. A walk on the beach, or lying in a hammock with a good book is also an option!
  • And finally, stop reaching for sweet things when you are happy, tired, sad, bored, worried or sick! Give your body some time to rest, repair and heal itself from the constant demands of your busy lifestyle.

Of course, if you are suffering with health problems it is always a good idea not to self-diagnose, but see your naturopath or GP. Don’t talk to Dr Google, because you may get the wrong advice!